I Voted

And just as I had planned. Straight Republican except for (D) Pritzker for Governor because legalizing recreational cannabis is a priority for him. The legislature is already working on a bill. First off, the State needs the money. Second – reducing the size of the police forces is a necessity. The State is broke. I’m trying to figure out why our current governor (R) Rauner couldn’t see the obvious.

Once the election results are in I’ll see if I can figure out (roughly) how many Republicans voted for Pritzker.






5 responses to “I Voted”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    I voted too! democrats will need to get 60% of vote to flip the house as gerrymandering and constitutional structural problems to protect slave states will work in republicans favor.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    democrats take house as I predicted. millions more voted for democrat senators then republican senators but 18% of voters control 52 senate seats. majority is fed up with this and may have to come up with a final solution to minority control of senate.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    FYI. Jeff Sessions resigned. 😀

  4. Simon Avatar



  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Note, also, that he seems to have suddenly become a saint to many who previously (and with reason) hated his guts.

    I’m beginning to really, really hate politics.