We Know What Is Good For You

“We know what is best for you and we will force you to do it”, is the cry of totalitarians every where.

( About 11 1/2 minutes )

The video all this noise is being made about can be found at Breitbart. It is pretty damning. It sure looks like Google is an arm of the Democrat Party.

Styx makes the point that religions do the same thing. Divine authority is unquestionable. The Catholic Church is having one of those moments where its authority doesn’t look so divine.

Scott Adams’ take on the Google video.

( Automatically starts at 6:04 )

The stuff about Google lasts about 6 minutes.






8 responses to “We Know What Is Good For You”

  1. Simon Avatar

    I have made the point before. We live in two ecologies and people don’t see it. This creates all kinds of problems.

    A Thermodynamic Explanation Of Politics


    The City vs Country divide has been a feature of human politics for 5,000 years or more. Too bad we haven’t figured it out yet.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    as for google you a libertarian want to see government regulation? we could have had a constitutional right to privacy but the right to life vote to republican party was more important. government to restrictive price you pay for living in society or go live in a jungle or desert away from civilization. but you won’t.

  3. SteveBrooklineMA Avatar

    Google apparently scans Google Docs for offensive content. Not just public documents, but private ones you write for yourself. Their algorithm needs some adjustment apparently:


    but note that the complaint is not that they are scanning everybody’s writing!

  4. Simon Avatar


    Progressives used to be into busting Trusts. We have laws for that.

    Are you no longer a Progressive?

    You might want to look into “regulatory capture” as well.

  5. captain*arizona Avatar

    I was talking about google and you libertarians not me. google amazon et.al our public menace.

  6. Simon Avatar


    Think like a low info voter.

    “Google is trying to make me vote Democrat? Well, I’ll show them. No big corporation can tell me how to vote.”

  7. captain*arizona Avatar

    simon google and amazon are only interested in you voting for corporate establishment democrat now that republican party has gone rogue and can’t betrusted. other wise they would rather you not vote.

  8. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Exactly, captain. And how is a low info voter going to react to that? “I’m going to vote agin them bullies”.