Union vs Division

( About 14 minutes – starts around the 8:45 mark )

This is the clearest explanation of Trump’s politics I have seen. He is uniting people around economics instead of dividing them by identity or class. Politics is won by addition. And depressing the opposition.

As you know I’m quite optimistic about November.

We shall see in less than 90 days.






One response to “Union vs Division”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    smoking the ganja doe that! I personally would like to see nancy pelosi bitch slapped by the voters as they did with hillary clinton. BUT! democrats are energized especially women. the illegal alien children’s pogram and kidie incarceration reminded the weary why they hate republicans and to get your ass out and vote. off year elections are about turnout this usually helps republicans but not in 1974 (nixon) 2006 (bushit) and not now. democrats can’t wait to vote even in gerrymandered districts. remember how ever you were to vote against clinton and nothing would stop you. democrats in 2016 were luke warm or holding their nose and 6 million stayed home over 2012. this time republicans are ambivalent and weary. the energy is with democrats in spite of nancy pelosi and 60 house democrat candidates say they won’t vote for pelosi for speakers and the rest are trying to fool the voters into thinking they won’t vote for her. in 2016 clinton and her arrogant insufferable supporters like hillary rosen and rachel madcow reminded voters why they hate democrats.