The Chinese Soybean Market

I’m not much of a market watcher. Even less so a commodities follower. But I found this description of the Chinese soybean market from some one who follows Chinese news closely, very interesting.

The Chinese NEED soybeans. So what do tariffs mean? Chinese food prices will be going up. This is not good for the status of the Supreme Leader. It also shows how small incidents – the discussion starts with a ship that left port before tariffs were imposed – can change the perception of a situation.

( About 16 minutes )






One response to “The Chinese Soybean Market”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    trump has china worried on trade war. we lose a little bit they lose a lot. asian saying cut flesh to cut meat! starting to here compromise noises out of china. when america sneezes the rest of the world catches pneumonia! when you got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow. chuck colson.