Low Ceiling

( About 11 1/2 minutes )

To get a taste of the really good stuff start in at about 9:30 and go to the end. However, the whole thing is worth a watch if you have the time.






5 responses to “Low Ceiling”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    as I keep telling you. she is on our side. a side that is tired of corporate establishment good government donor class running dogs. nancy pelosi and the corporate clintons have been discredited. antifa not corporate establishment stooges are what the democrat base wants. who care what you want your not on our side.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    a democratic soc. rashide tlaib a muslim american woman has just won old pervert john conyers seat in congress from michigan. endorsed by sanders and ocasio-cortez!

  3. Simon Avatar

    Elections are won by addition.

    Your friends are practicing subtraction.

    I don’t think it will work as well as you hope.

  4. captain*arizona Avatar

    200,000 minority kids turn 18 voting age ( I have said this before ) every month. we are adding not subtracting. thet hate conservatives. trumps economy is helping your somewhat side in short term ;but turnout is key and hate trumps positivism in this case. 6,000,000 less democrats voted in 2016 then 2012 because clinton was on ballot she won’t be this time! democrats will across broken glass naked to vote. republicans don’t have that same hate reverse of 2016.

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    @ Simon
    “Elections are won by addition.

    Your friends are practicing subtraction.

    I don’t think it will work as well as you hope.”

    From past observations, I think you are correct.