The Old Gang Is Breaking Up

Solidarity is not near what it used to be. Case in point? The LGBs are not getting along with the Ts. Part of it is their theories of how sex works. The LGBs are mostly in the “we were born this way” camp. There is some biological evidence for that. The Ts are in the “we can be whatever sex we choose to be” camp. The “L” ladies especially are not so sure.

Unisex bathrooms with multiple stalls, and gym use are also issues.

Anyway, there is friction. Like bomb threats, murder threats, and intimidation. There is also something called TERFs ( trans-exclusionary radical feminists ). Which I’m told is quite a vile insult.

Despite all that, this set of polling questions shows something surprising given the good position Democrats ought to be in given the news stories and polling. Republicans Are Feeling Pretty Good About The Mid-Terms. Democrats? Not So Much. Why would that be? Part of it is, no one believes the polls.

These criminal referrals may also have something to do with it. Suppose cases are being made and indictments are being planned for delivery about 30 October. Nothing but the timing would be a surprise.

But like the good lady said, ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’






8 responses to “The Old Gang Is Breaking Up”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    russian/trump collusion nothing burger. ;however democrats hate trump with a passion. independents are split as are republicans populists vs never trumpers. never trumpers are small in numbers but will have some effect. motivated democrats vs unmotivated republicans. independents will decide mid terms.

  2. Simon Avatar

    Trump’s base is VERY solid. There have been so many NOTHING allegations that anything brought up would have to be fully adjudicated before his base will believe it.

    I’m sure it is having a somewhat similar effect on independents.

    Trump’s opposition was hoping for a knockout blow. What they got was rope-a-dope.

  3. captain*arizona Avatar

    trump base behind him ;but are they motivated with trump not on ballot? obama had same problem in 2010 and 2014. seen same thing happen in 1974,1994 and 2006. democrats fired up and can’t wait to vote. if republicans try voter suppression watch out!

  4. captain*arizona Avatar

    bad news for your walkaways. it turns out the pictures of most were taken from shutter stock and other such sites with all the memes and views coming from conservative troll sites! conservative money can’t buy you love ;but can sure rent it!

  5. Frank Avatar

    If transsexuals have classic gender dysphoria that is one thing. It’s been around a long time and appears to be real. But if some 60 y/o guy wakes up one day and decides that getting castrated and cutting off his penis will solve his depression, that is quite another. Or if some ditzy parents want to act out their insane fantasy of letting 5 y/o Johnny decide what gender he feels like playing – for life – without a hint of gender dysphoria being apparent, then we have more than a little problem.

    If you want to say this is prejudice against transsexuals, go ahead. But some of us are not in the mood to mollycoddle these crazies.

  6. Simon Avatar

    Re: bad news for your walkaways.

    What you have to look at are the writings and the videos. Especially the writings. Why not stock images. They don’t want a mob descending on them. Which is a disadvantage of mob rule. You don’t get accurate reads.

    If you look at the last election the bias in the polls was around +9% Ds.

    If you apply that to this election the Ds are in BIG trouble.

  7. Simon Avatar


    I have a nice video of Camille Paglia discussing that. I’ll have it up in an hour or so.

  8. captain*arizona Avatar

    yeah right! you got caught nice bull sh*t answer though simon.