Tales From The Q – A Clearance Sale

( About 13 minutes ))

The narrator is a little over the top. Well, maybe a lot.

Except the criminals he points out are the same ones I have been pointing at. Bush? Poppy fields? Really? Really. I have been posting links to this history site for years. Nice picture of Bush the elder at the bottom of the page. Which leads to another page.

Do I think they can clean up all the evil in the world forever? Well no. But they may clean it up for a while. And their view of human nature does not conform to reality. Human nature is bifurcated. There is civilized behavior and uncivilized behavior. To get a viable civilization we need to understand uncivilized behavior and restrict it. And once you allow restriction the possibility of evil comes in.

And then there is the City vs Country divide. The morals of the two places are quite a bit different because the ecologies are different. A thermodynamic explanation of politics.

Anyway. You may be entertained.




