GOP Governor Candidate – Decriminalize All Drugs

Colorado GOP Governor candidate Victor Mitchell says decriminalize all drugs.

Which leads me to ask. Is the Republican Party going libertarian? I think I can give that a definite maybe. The video starts right where Victor gives his exposition.

( Starts at 31:03 )






One response to “GOP Governor Candidate – Decriminalize All Drugs”

  1. bob sykes Avatar
    bob sykes

    The Republican Party is a center-left party with a dominant Progressive wing. They also have a small liberaarian wing. The Democrats are a socialist party with a dominant communist wing.

    Progressives have often comprised a majority of the party as in the Civil War and Reconstruction Era. Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive, as was Herbert Hoover and, arguably, every Republican President from Eisenhower on. Taft and Coolidge weren’t.

    All the Progressive Amendmants, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th were ratified under Republican regimes.