Where Is The SJW Outrage?

juggernaut x2 said:

Let’s see if Jimmy Kimmel cries like a bitch over Weinstein like he does over everything else.

Trump was attacked relentlessly for imagining using his power to go after women. Weinstein did it. Many, many times. If the reports are true.

So where is the vitriol? Or was it all just a partisan act?

It is not ordinary malfeasance that kills organized religion. Hypocrisy is the real death.

This is not the first time nor even at the highest levels. For that we have Bill Clinton to thank. And on the down low JFK. Power corrupts. Both those who wield it and those who come asking power for favors. And none of this is secret. The individual perps may not be well known but the lay of the land is obvious.

So where is the SJW outrage over “male privilege” ? Silence when it is one of their own.

I probably should note that all this is human nature. We have reports going back many thousands of years. Humans are not a blank slate. They have proclivities. And if we pretend the proclivities don’t exist we suffer the consequences. Conventional wisdom used to be “don’t let your daughter become an actress”. It is still good advice. Because the casting couch is not going away. No matter how many SJWs wish it.

Carrie Fisher discussed the casting couch in the last few seconds of this video.

( About 4 minutes – and worth every second )






2 responses to “Where Is The SJW Outrage?”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    That was a prime rant. Oddly, I think she actually meant most of it. Not sure about the casting couch bit – I suspect that was a comment on the culture.

    May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    hollywood is corporate establishment democrat. wienstein told clinton he would donate the money to destroy sanders campaign. right now on democratic underground they are attacking susan sarandon and jill stein for not supporting the corporate establishment democrat party line of hold your nose and vote for clinton, because we have a two party system and you must not vote for third partys or you are a traitor to something or other. I don’t remember voting on a two party system do you?