No Quarter Blog And Twitter Feed Deleted

I looks like the No Quarter blog and its Twitter feed have been deleted from the ‘net.

Free Republic has some ideas about why it may have happened. insanitybytes has some thoughts.

In my opinion it came after he stated that British GCHQ spies on American citizens. Politico has more on that story.

So if he is gone does that mean what he said was true?






5 responses to “No Quarter Blog And Twitter Feed Deleted”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    like wow spies actually do spying. go figure.

  2. -blessed holy socks Avatar

    Wanna wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven where we can do ANYTHING we wanna besides High Mass on Sundays? or not?? Up2yoo. For this finite existence, we got only 2 choices, baby, and 1 of em aint too cool: Hell’s very hot, very lonely, very stanky, as you’re placed where you desire most. Jesus doesn’t condemn: WE CONDEMN OURSELVES – lookit David Rockefella. Was he condemned for eugenics, greed, abortion?? or did he cry-out at the LastSecond to Jesus??? Dunno. Jesus only reads what’s placed before Him according to your lifelong demise. Yes, earthling, I was an NDE. Any questions?

    Google+: kold_kadavr _flatliner

  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Try some Seven Seas on that word salad.

  4. Simon Avatar

    Well, just to be harsh. Cyanide is the most appropriate condiment.

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    blessed holy socks…

    Hmm. Died and resurrected insane?