Trump Presses The Press

Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’ says the NY Post.

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

Maybe he has his own campaign against “fake news” going on.

Or maybe we are at the beginning of a descent into totalitarianism.

You know. I didn’t want to see Hillary elected. I got my wish. The only thing in my favor is that she was a totalitarian – certain.






3 responses to “Trump Presses The Press”

  1. Gringo Avatar

    A recent Gallup poll informed us that only about 30% of the public trusts the media. Trump’s Bronx cheer to the media won’t hurt him as much as the media wants it to hurt him. It will probably give him more support.
    Trump gave numerous Bronx cheers to the media during his election campaign, without any apparent harm to his election prospects.

  2. tkdkerry Avatar

    Given the almost total absence of impartiality and factual reporting on the part of the MSM, it’s hard to see this as a sign of descent towards totalitarianism. More like a well-deserved horse whipping, with the whole horse.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Yeah – and after that, he released – on YouTube – his policy agenda for the first 100 days.
