
The below video is from the era when the Soviets were the enemy. But it is a very old story. Sun Tzu said that least effective method of warfare is armies and fighting. The best is to get the willing cooperation of your target.

This page is about a conference given by the author of the below video. Here is an excerpt from the page.

1-Demoralization, during which the different components of a society are infiltrated and then hijacked to take them away from their initial mission. Artificial bodies of bureaucrats come to replace the citizens;

2-Destabilization, during which the process of subversion began in step 1 increases in intensity and means;

3- Crisis, during which a society inevitably faces either civil war or invasion by foreign forces;

4- Normalisation finally, during which all activists and « revolutionaries » who got involved in social change and uprisings are eliminated by the new power elite. Bezmenov gives several examples of communist revolutions where early backers and actors of the revolution have been killed once the situation has settled.

So what are we doing in furtherance of the subversion of our society? Giving government power. It doesn’t matter if the power is big or small. Any power once it is accepted is a tool for subversion. Laws. Regulations. Enforcers.

Even “Social Justice” is not the enemy per se. What is the enemy is enacting the ideas of “social justice” into law. We used to understand this at our core.

Live free or die. What we have today is far too many who want a law. And those laws give legitimacy to unrestrained power. Until it doesn’t. The desire for more government is the enemy.

And of course since such a state of control as desired by our masters is more or less unnatural it requires enforcers. It is why I rail so much about enforcers. A long time ago we used to have a system where citizens would complain of a crime (violence, theft, fraud) and a government agent would investigate. The laws were enforced at the behest of the people. We have transformed that into a situation where laws are ENFORCED at the behest of government. That is the recipe for the tyranny we have today.

As I say often these days, “If the question is “what to do about xxx social problem” and the answer is “we need a law” you are talking to a socialist.” It doesn’t matter if they consider themselves left, right, or independent. The desire for more enforcers is in itself subversive to our way of life. Because unlike natural law you can’t have man made law without enforcers. Natural law in conjunction with very limited government is in fact mostly self enforcing. The people complain. The government looks into it. Otherwise the government is inert. That is of course an ideal. And we will fall short. But these days we do not even strive for the ideal. We have been subverted.

The very idea of policing used to be considered subversive of American ideals. Not police mind you. But policing. The government deciding who needs to be policed.

Anyway – the video:






11 responses to “Subversion”

  1. Frank Avatar

    Simon, I’m reluctantly posting this because you are still enamored with Trump, but also waking up to, ah, certain of his attributes.

    The man is dirty, big time. He’s in debt to the Russian mob at the very least. If it isn’t obvious to you yet, it will be should he get elected.

    As this article you post indicates, the Russians are no strangers to the big lie. They are going full bore trying to influence this election. Here is just one article posted at zerohedge from part of their subversive propaganda machine. The Strategic Culture Foundation is a Russian front group.

    Wikileaks is also a front for them, as is the traitor Snowden. I was completely taken in by him, because of my libertarian bent. He should returned, tried, and if found guilty (as he most certainly is) executed.

    The so-called alt-right that has wormed its way into the Trump campaign, has set up front websites like Conservative Treehouse (aka The Last Refuge) that is most likely being funded from Moscow. They are also heavily influencing Breitbart if not in charge. Bannon is either one of the unknowing tools or in their pay.

    Don’t believe me about Trump and the Russians? Listen to his praise of Putin, examine his non-interventionist foreign policy in the middle east, and realize that he is not now and never has been in the least interested in foreign affairs, and then ask yourself why he takes the side of Russia in Syria.

    I swore off politics this year, but Trump is way beyond your average politician. He’s either a paid pawn, or a useful idiot. Either way he’s bad news.

  2. Simon Avatar


    I’m sure Trump is dirty. From what I have been able to piece together he has made a deal with the DEA. And of course along with that goes the rest of the intel apparatus.

    So I wouldn’t say enamored.

    I like him better than Hillary. That is about the best I can say.

    And the Libertarians this year?

    The VP on the ticket is stumping for Hillary. What kind of shit is that?

    I’m fighting the war down ballot. Supporting the various cannabis initiatives.

  3. Simon Avatar

    And I figured out Conservative Tree House a while back.

    When a Black guy with a gun permit was killed by police for no reason I could figure they supported the police.

    I have been banned from posting there for years. I was to vocal about the Drug War.

    Note: I picked up the video from an old (August this year) Zero Hedge comment by a rather outspoken “kill the Jews” fellow.

    This country has become a cesspool. No better than any of the other totalitarian regimes in the world.

    But it is not the first time. We had a similar experience in the last great depression.

    I have submitted this to where I also publish. We will see if it gets picked up.

    And for your “amusement” – my relatives at Omaha Steaks are in bed with the Russians. #2 son spent 5 years in Russia. He has a different take on the country. He speaks the language. Has (or had) a Russian girlfriend.

  4. Simon Avatar

    Nixon was the response to Carter. Law and Order. Out of that we got Drug Prohibition on steroids.

    Evidently we are getting the same treatment in response to Obama.

    If Trump makes Law and Order central to governing we will be in bad shape.

    None the less ObamaCare has got to go. Will that sentiment (ending ObamaCare) prevail? Hard to see from here. If it goes the way it has gone for a long time the Federal Government will be taking over another sector of the economy. One way or another.

  5. Simon Avatar


    Europe brought it on itself by importing so many Islamics and not reproducing.

  6. Simon Avatar

    Hillary’s Secret Kremlin Connection Is Quickly Unraveling


    So we have Clinton in bed with the Russians – the Uranium deal. And Trump getting what is for now covert support.


    This comment from a Russian “refugee” might be of interest:

    He thinks government can control culture.

  7. Frank Avatar

    Where I live my vote doesn’t count except in down ballot stuff, and like you I’ve concentrated on that. Voted for the legalization initiative even though it is not perfect. Every little bit helps. As to Hillary being in bed with Russia, it’s part of the Clinton corruption machine. Follow the money. What we’re witnessing is empire decline. The establishment will try to hold on through more police militarization. Also, all that urban warfare training in the military along with the arming of every frigging agency and department spells police state. Time to duck and cover, especially after the election and no matter who wins.

  8. Simon Avatar


    I’m not so sure about empire decline. It is definitely a Kondratieff bottom.

    All the things we are seeing today we saw in the aftermath of 1929.

    It takes about 20 years to “work through” a bottom. We are about half way through. God help us if we get a nuclear war this time.

    And the bottoms are lengthened by the INs fighting the OUTs. Cannabinoid medicine is going to decimate Big Pharma and hurt Big Alcohol.

    And IMO that is where the fight really is. A flank attack.

    I give a tremendous amount of credit to Dennis Peron for preparing the field.

  9. Gringo Avatar

    Nixon was the response to Carter. Law and Order.

    Nixon was the response to Carter only if time runs backwards.

  10. Simon Avatar

    Yeah. Should have been Nixon was the response to Johnson.