Hillary Falling

This is Hillary’s 9/11 moment.

The text in the video is a bit overwrought, but I think it will sink Hillary. She seems to be fading faster these days. And the general thought seems to be that she has Parkinson’s disease.

Funny enough cannabis might help.






10 responses to “Hillary Falling”

  1. agimarc Avatar

    Chiefio thinks it is alcohol, DT’s and she uses vitamin B-12 as a pick me up. Combine large volumes of alcohol with the brain damage due tot he fall and clots and you have a toxic brew. Cheers –


  2. Simon Avatar


    Thanks for that. The comment section is good. I added this:

    Alcoholism is a sign of serious PTSD. After the unpleasantness of 1860 to ’65 it was called “the soldiers disease” in the US.

    We now have better medicine for that than alcohol. But politicians are generally restrained from using it. Which would make Hillary a victim of the policies of her own government. Fitting.

    There once was a politician with a similar problem who used opiates. Some government operatives who wanted him to continue his political ways saw that he got a prescription. You can’t get a prescription for schedule one drugs.

  3. Simon Avatar

    And FYI – “a politician with a similar problem” was Joe McCarthy.

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Postwar through the 60s doctors handed out prescriptions for amphetamine diet pills and barbiturate sleeping pills like candy. During WWII the government handed out amphetamines and benzedrine by the tonne. And this generation that was jacked to the gills went on the invent television, the transistor, computers and sent a man to the moon.

  5. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    awwww hiwawee faw down go beem

  6. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Bill knows how to make it better, he can either kiss it or put some ice on it.

  7. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    What is wrong with Hillary? I’m guessing ‘all of the above’. People don’t usually look that sick unless there’s serious, multiple problems.Sick, decrepit old people get pneumonia. On top of that there’s Parkinson’e brought on from the brain injury(s) from falls, and a life of alcoholism.

  8. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Claims she’s using a body double reminded me of the Heinlein book “Double Star”:


    And this old Jimmy Durante movie “The Phantom President”:


  9. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    She’s not using a body double. If she were, you wouldn’t see videos like the one above.

    I think she has multiple problems – but I don’t think PTSD is one of them.

  10. […] losing consciousness, there, which by all appearances she did lose consciousness, is not something commonly associated […]