Do You See How Deep The Rot Is?

In my ongoing conversation with my ally, he asserted:

As for independents, well, their value is way overestimated in politics. Trump is about to help a lot of people discover that they’re actually conservatives who just needed a conservative politician with the guts to adopt a populist economic platform. Thank God, and it couldn’t come at a better time…among the benefits will be the spreading of the understanding that most independents are simply dolts who can’t make up their minds or who don’t have the guts to take a stand on anything, and that they’re actually not that important in winning elections…

Well, you know me. I had an answer. Several in fact:


Independents not that important? Even if their numbers are small (they are large) they are the margin of victory. That is why, in a contested primary, the party pivots when the nominee is decided. The party would do much better in getting elected and governing to make the pivot a general behavior. It makes you look dishonest when you do it after a nominee is chosen. And again after being elected.


Now about that $trillion a year NWO slush fund called Drug Prohibition.


Ever notice how the right hardly ever repeals the laws the left gets? Ever notice how the left hardly ever repeals the laws the right gets?

Do you see how they are working you? They get more power. You get less liberty. At every turn.


[The following is one comment]

You are mistaking me for a Libertarian. A common error. Think more in terms of “leave me alone” type people.

And conservatives? It is not so popular as you think. One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is that he attracts people who do not respond to the usual conservative dog whistles. I’ll give you one example of how he busted one of the whistles. This is the long version (which is not so long) that Trump only alluded to.


Abortion is murder. If it is murder it is Murder One – Premeditated. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Governments can’t make murder legal. Nuremberg. That means we have 10 to 50 million women who need killing.

Got a plan?

Unless the people who say “abortion is murder” don’t really mean it. Hypocrites.

The idea that we need laws to solve every social problem is socialist. (Do you see how deep the rot is?)


I oppose the socialists of the left and the socialist of the right.






2 responses to “Do You See How Deep The Rot Is?”

  1. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    If you think of abortion as an unjust war, on the other hand…

  2. […] had a commenter say, “Abortion is an unjust war”. That is a new one on me. And maybe it is. But, years of […]