Identity Politics

People around the ‘net have claimed to have identified three of the women pictured in the Enquirer story on Ted Cruz and his sexcapades. Katrina Pierson, who now works for Trump. Amanda Carpenter and Sarah Isgur Flores.

That last name has some history. She worked in the Carly Fiorina campaign.

How about this story: Why did Ted Cruz’s PAC give half a million to Carly Fiorina’s?. Well isn’t that interesting? The Federal Election Commission had questions about that too.

I will not speculate on what that means. You can probably do a good enough job on your own.

It is not looking good for Brother Ted. And we are only in the second day of the hilarity. Well as I have been saying for a while.


For the LULZ

This is the most fun campaign I have seen in my 71 years.






11 responses to “Identity Politics”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    “I have sinned!” jimmy swaggert. try it teddy cruz.

  2. Simon Avatar

    I have seen rumors that one of the mistresses is a man. If true that will kill him with the evangelicals.

  3. Dave Avatar

    It’s not Cruz’s PAC, it’s Mercer’s. Cruz has no control over who Mercer decides to give money to, and these kinds of things are pretty common. Mercer liked Fiorina early. There were also crazy sex scandal rumors about Rubio.

    Anyways, so what? Trump has also said: “I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I’ve had them all, secretly, the world’s biggest names…”

  4. Dave Avatar

    Aaaaand I’m done paying attention to this nonsense.

  5. Bram Avatar

    Not buying the story until there some kind of evidence or confirmation. It’s written as a repeat of rumors and could just be a big smear.

  6. Simon Avatar


    The FEC is investigating Cruz.

    1. Dave Avatar

      Sigh. The FEC is not investigating Cruz, the FEC asked some routine questions about Mercer’s PAC six months ago. Come on, you’re not this dumb.

  7. Simon Avatar

    If you have Twitter check out the hash tag. #TheThing .

    Or venture over to FreeRepublic and check out the flame wars going on over there.

    Or all the removed posts.

    True or not – and I’m betting it is true – it will be costing Cruz votes.

    But yeah. I’m nuts and have lost touch with reality.

  8. […] buying politicians. What will they think of next? PACs giving money to opposing candidates is what. I wonder if those PACs will be supporting Hillary if Trump gets the nomination? I’d […]