An echo, not a choice

Watching tonight’s debate, I do not want this person to be president.


I’d rather have any of the Republican candidates.

I’d rather have Bernie Sanders.

In fact, as I said many times in 2008, I’d rather have Barack Obama. If given the choice between voting for an Obama third term and a Hillary Clinton first term, I’d vote for Obama.

That makes me a sexist, right?

After all, those who voted for Obama were sexists, just as those who voted for Hillary were racists.

Yes, politics is that simple.






19 responses to “An echo, not a choice”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    She radiates repulsiveness. And that cackle, that kind of sound does not come from a sane throat. And what are her policies, exactly?

    [moderately hard, non-sycophantic question] hahahahyuckhyuckityahahaha!!!!

    Seriously, that’s an answer?

    Wish I could get away with that at my next design review. “How did you calculate the tolerance on the tempco for the exponential converter?” hahahahyuckhyuckityahahaha!!!! Wow, so simple.

    What is her appeal to her supporters?

    I don’t think I agree with a single one of Sander’s policy ideas, but I at least know what they are, and they fit a consistent leftist agenda. Hilarity? ghod nose. I wonder if she could even compose a complete, grammatical English sentence at this point, too much brain damage from alcohol, strokes, concussions, being married to Bill…


    There is a certain cluster of blogs, including one from a man whose initials are S.S.that believe the American deep state is controlled by Israeli interests. Looks more like Iranian interests with this current clown college we call a government. And possibly even more so with Hilarity! and Humid Aberdeen.

    We know Backpack Aroma was raised Mooslime, was he Shiite or Sunni?

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    well I do! I will be holding my nose and voting for her over republiscum. Its like voting for hindenberg over hitler.

  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    I’ve heard of the blind leading the blind. This is the retarded voting for the brain damaged.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Have to agree, Eric, and that’s from someone who actually kind of liked her last time she ran. But I think she’s past her prime now. So is Bernie. Have the Democrats decided that young is toxic?

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Everyone is black and white now. But the world isn’t.

    I offer a song from long ago, sung by a universally despised (by the elites) group. They were mostly commercial, but occasionally they picked up something worth singing.

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Oh – and Captain – I suspect you don’t want to hear anything not black or white. Perhaps you will like this better It’s from “Playing for Change” a group who believes peace can come from music.

    I think they are optimists, but I like the music. Do, please feel free to browse around their other offerings.

  7. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    PS – If you hate them, you are no kind of progressive, you’re an elitist. Those are the lowest of the low, by progressive standards. And high in talent.

    Make your choice.

  8. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    I’m not an elitist. I’m a snob.

  9. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    @Man Mountain – that was not directed at you. It was directed at Captain.

    Though if you can wander through those songs with NO reaction, I might suspect a certain lack in your soul.

  10. Frank Avatar

    Nurse Ratched
    I feel I personally know Hillary through a series of 6 degrees of separation contacts. Let me explain.

    The chain starts with my neighbor, Kendra, who is Ken Kesey’s niece. As a girl she would spend time at Uncle Ken’s ranch in Oregon and got to know some of the Merry Pranksters. But anyway through my friendship with Kendra I have one degree of contact with Ken Kesey. Then when I met my partner Charly in 1978, he had somehow (and not through Kendra who didn’t live next door until years later) gravitated to Kesey’s little magazine and had me read it with the idea that we would go up to Kesey’s ranch for a “mind expanding experience.” There was also a newsletter. Anyway, through the magazine and newsletter, and of course reading Kesey, we became fans. So, I have 2 degrees of contact with the man who invented Hillary, I mean Nurse Ratched.

    Hillary and I are friends – through mutual friends. When she is elected president, I’ll be taking a trip. Uncle Ken has laid out the map.

  11. captain*arizona Avatar

    81% of voters are either non white under 35 or women, all of these groups vote majority democrats. only white men over 35 vote majority republican. do the math. hillary clinton our next president! unless she is indicted.(unlikely from mostly if not all black grand jury in washington d.c. (remember hinckly jury). otherwise kerry or biden president. I limey bernie sanders but he will not get nomination whatever else happens. demographics are against republican ever winning presidency again.

  12. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    “when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful” -wikipedia

    As displayed here:

  13. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    So, anyway, why would any devout liberal vote for Hillary over Bernie? I’m looking at you, zonetard.

  14. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Is Hillary mentally competent to be president? I’m starting to think a constitutional amendment to require a competency test might be a good idea.

  15. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Would Reagan have passed it? Alzheimers starts a quite a while before effects become really serious – and I’m willing to bet he was NOT lying when he said he didn’t remember certain things.

    He probably was in early first stage when he was first elected.

  16. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Reagan with Alzheimers would be an improvement over Hillary.

  17. captain*arizona Avatar

    man molehill I will be voting for bernie in primary and holding my nose and voting for hillary in general over republiscum racist nazis.

  18. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Of course you are. A useless parasite voting for whichever candidate promises the biggest handout of taxpayer’s money.

  19. […] again, anyone but Hillary, but why […]