Happy Veterans Day

This puts it pretty well.


So many of the veterans I’ve known are now gone, but this is a good occasion and place to thank M. Simon for his service! 







10 responses to “Happy Veterans Day”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    they are america precious possession that is to often wasted by the scum politicians that orders them about.

  2. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Thank you, M Simon. And all the rest of the veterans who may read this.

    And, for a change, I actually agree with Captain.

  3. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Thank you M. Simon for your service. Earlier in the day I called my 91-year-old father and thanked him for his service: D-Day+3, although I didn’t burden him with the esoteric question of whether FDR was a scum politician who “ordered him about.” Rather, I reminded him that the Brit’s thought that he (and his ilk) were Overpaid, Oversexed, and over Here, whereas the Yanks thought the Brit’s were Underpaid, Undersexed and Under Eisenhower.

    He got a kick out of that. Every single year I hit him with that is a Godsend. I am the luckiest man alive.

  4. Randy Avatar

    Hear! Hear!

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley


    Indeed you are. My father always enjoyed comments like that when he was still alive. I wish I’d known that one!

  6. captain*arizona Avatar

    iraq war veterans should read the article in politico where the former cia director admits he was told the bush administration did not want a paper trail about bin ladin want to attack america with airplanes and their lack of response. that was why bush was angry with august memo on bin ladin determined to attack in america as this was starting a paper trail.

  7. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Cap’n: Check out Wikipedia’s Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory. If it’s correct (and I’m not saying that it is), next year will mark the 75-year time limit for the opening of Brit intelligence that was marked “closed for 75 years.” It will be interesting to see what Churchill and Roosevelt knew.

  8. captain*arizona Avatar

    road kill check out maccarther alowing his airfoce to be destroyed on the ground 12 hours after he got the news of pearl harbor!

  9. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Very interesting, Cap’n.

  10. Simon Avatar

    Thank you all for your kind wishes. It was nothing special. I never fired a shot in anger and came home in one piece.