The Hillary Monologues

That’s what I think of tonight’s “debate.”






5 responses to “The Hillary Monologues”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    hillary won the nomination and the general election last night. and since you were not going to vote for her anyway your views are irrelevant. all hillary needs to impress are Obama coalition voters. along with democrats who would not vote for a black man but will vote for a white woman. that is plenty more votes then neccasry to win.

  2. c andrew Avatar
    c andrew


    One wonders if your title would read the same if it swapped the Anglo-Saxon monosyllable equivalent of the more famous monologues of a genital nature for the candidate’s name.

    Yup! I specialize in circumlocution also known as beating around the bush.


  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    This stumbling, incoherent, possibly demented old woman is the best the dems have to offer. Pathetic.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    What’s even more pathetic is that if the Republicans don’t get their act together, she’ll probably win.

    And…I doubt they will.

  5. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    What did Bill ever see in Hilary? She was never attractive, and reports are she’s a screaming, violent, (lamps; ashtrays; etc)
    harpy. I used to think she was the brains of the operation, behind the scenes running Bill’s campaigns, formulating policy for him and so on, but it’s just not there, she doesn’t seem particularly bright, organized, fluent in political discourse and so on. Unless she gives the world’s most fantastic blow jobs why did he marry her in particular?