Without The Police, We’d Be At The Mercy Of Lawless Thugs

From Reason Magazine:

Cops in Santa Ana, California, donned ski masks to break and enter into a local medical marijuana dispensary, raiding it with guns drawn in a May 27 police action. They then proceeded to remove surveillance cameras and recording equipment, but they didn’t remove it all. Video from a camera they didn’t disable also caught the officers eating what appear to be marijuana edibles, then acting in a way to suggest they had become intoxicated, with one officer even joking that she’d love to kick a marijuana activist present at the raid, Marla James, an amputee, in the “nub.”

And for the title of the post H/T to Reason commenter The Late P Brooks






3 responses to “Without The Police, We’d Be At The Mercy Of Lawless Thugs”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    We are your police!

    Police in Medford, MA arrested some criminals breaking into a drug store one night. Then they stole everything themselves. Their chief was arrested for drunk driving after crashing through a brick wall.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    That is what the people’s anti fascist militia is for. That is why corporate liberal stooges of the establishment are always trying to bring gun control to black population! In last pew poll 54% of blacks now support gun rifts so they can shoot back at racism!

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Odd, that, Captain – every once in a while I actually agree with you. People SHOULD be able to shoot back if someone attacks them. (Whether the attack is racist, “I want your money now” or “Hey lets riot for fun and profit” or whatever.)

    Good for them.