
Things have reached the point where I am sick to death of the Internet, much as I depend upon it for communications and news. The main reason is spammy suckass websites which promote, condone, allow, are paid to allow, the damnable, detestable audio and video advertising that will AUTOPLAY.

I hate intrusive noise, and I avoid sites which feature it. (One example is the Washington Times, which I never click on any more, no matter how much I might want to read the article.)

Sure, I know how to change settings. I know there are buggy “add-ons” designed to disable audio and video. But they create additional problems (such as disabling audio or video I might want), and they do not always work. And — surprise — the people who depend on the Internet for a living condemn them as oppressive!

I’d say the Internet sucks, but that would be as lame as it is redundant.

Perhaps I should stay off line. At the rate things are going, some spammy assholes will install automated noise into this blog whether I like it or not.

Too bad there’s no way to sue.

Because if there were, I’d probably have to sue myself.

What a world.






5 responses to “!@#$%^&”

  1. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    W7, Comodo Dragon, have been using FlashControl for years. It’s not perfect but I’d have to mute my speakers if I didn’t use it. I really, really don’t like unexpected sound or video. Even animated GIFs are terribly distracting to the point that I just copy text and paste it into TextMorph just to keep from seeing them.


  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    of all the problems in the world and you pick this?

  3. Veeshir Avatar

    My speakers are always muted unless I have something I specifically want to hear.

    When I forget to remute them after listening to something, I”m surprised by how many sites have autoplay.

    Hot Air and the puppy blender often have autoplay stuff.

    I close the site when I notice it and will often not go back.

  4. junesxing Avatar

    Can’t agree more. What is even worse are the ones that not only autoplay, but won’t let you stop them. Some of these even take control of your volume control and will inactivate mute. I usually just close down those pages.

  5. Amiable Dorsai Avatar
    Amiable Dorsai

    Get a set of speakers with manual volume control and an off switch. Does wonders.