Support the War on Drugs!

Anyone who has been reading M. Simon’s recent posts about marijuana and who thinks that the War on Drugs is (or ought to be) winding down should get a load of today’s Drudge headline:

DOJ's New Civil Rights Division Chief: Decriminalize Possession of All Drugs...

The link goes to this Heritage Foundation pro-Drug War screed opposing the nomination of Vanita Gupta for daring to have opined that drug possession be decriminalized.

While the Drudge link might give the impression that the attack on Gupta is a “news” article, that is hardly the case. The hit piece was written by a Drug War booster who links his “research” which makes the claim that marijuana is

“an addictive, gateway drug. It significantly impairs bodily and mental functions, and its use is related to increased violence.”

Got that?

What are the Drudge/Heritage think tankists thinking?

That pushing the Drug War a good campaign issue for the GOP?

Whatever they’re smoking, I don’t think it’s the right stuff.






7 responses to “Support the War on Drugs!”

  1. Simon Avatar

    I should have guessed you would cover it. In the comments the commenters are rabidly pro drug war. At least some of them. I left this comment:


    So is Prohibition reducing the chances kids can get drugs? For thirty years kids have reported that illegal drugs are easier to get than alcohol and tobacco. And conservatives favor a policy that gives kids easier access to drugs. Why is that?

    Because Conservatives are a dope dealer’s best friend. Objectively.

  2. […] Eric covered the nomination of Vanita Gupta, as acting head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, runnning down the Drug War aspects of her nomination. Surprisingly, a pro drug site, The Weed Blog, covered some other aspects. […]

  3. Simon Avatar

    And thank you.

  4. Randy Avatar

    As soon as saw who wrote the piece, I knew it would be a doozy. And it was. Mr. Stimson is a died-in-the-wool drug warrior well versed in half-truths and ignoring the arguments that undermine his support for keeping the status quo.

    This piece employs the typical alarmist tone without any discussion as to why the nominee is wrong in her opinions on decrim/legalization or why she would be unqualified for the position. He just can’t believe that there are people out there that aren’t on board with making war on drug users. Stimson really is a worthless human being.

  5. […] at least in some people and given this is breast cancer awareness month, and in recognition of the GOP effort to continue drug prohibition I thought the subject could use a […]