Democrats Against Agenda 21

I came across this interesting site. Democrats Against UN Agenda 21.

So what? Most of your towns provided funding and/or infrastructure development for these private projects. They used Redevelopment Agency funds. Your money. Specifically, your property taxes. Notice how there’s very little money in your General Funds now, and most of that is going to pay Police and Fire? Your street lights are off, your parks are shaggy, your roads are pot-holed, your hospitals are closing. The money that should be used for these things is diverted into the Redevelopment Agency. It’s the only agency in government that can float a bond without a vote of the people. And they did that, and now you’re paying off those bonds for the next 45 years with your property taxes. Did you know that? And by the way, even if Redevelopment is ended, as in California, they still have to pay off existing debt–for 30 to 45 years.

So, what does this have to do with Agenda 21?

Redevelopment is a tool used to further the Agenda 21 vision of remaking America’s cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain—against the will of the property owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town ‘blighted’ (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area can be diverted away from the General Fund. This constriction of available funds is impoverishing the cities, forcing them to offer less and less services, and reducing your standard of living.

They have been doing that in Rockford. A 30% or 40% reduction in street lighting. Eminent domain against profitable businesses. And definitely cronies getting the fist shot at the goodies offered. The property gets taken from the unfavored and given to the favored.

So is it Agenda 21 or just the usual corruption? I’m not sure it matters.






5 responses to “Democrats Against Agenda 21”

  1. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    The tax structure is out of date for cities counties and states. California was in continual financial crisis until the republiscum were tossed out. Now kansas and arizona have tried the old conservative bromide that lowering taxes increases revenue and now both states are finically bankrupt. Arizona republiscum tell schools they can’t afford to pay to keep them open and they tell the schools they better not try to tax people either!

  2. Simon Avatar

    17th century schools are obsolete. We have the internet.

  3. Allen Avatar

    a 17th century school, would have done a better job educating cap.
    Poor thing. It’s sad to see, what they did to him.

  4. Tuvea Avatar

    More and More the political environment here in the States resembles that towards the the end of the Roman Republic.

    It is unfortunate that both Parties, to a greater or lesser extent support these moves.

    As Benjamin Franklin stated after he emerged from Independence Hall:
    “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

    Not in our lifetimes.
    Probably not in our Children’s lifetimes.
    But I do fear for our Grand Children.

  5. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    we are not hiring the goths to fight for us yet!