Don’t Be A Joiner

Apropos Eric’s recent post and a suggestion from Michael Totten on Facebook






4 responses to “Don’t Be A Joiner”

  1. model_1066 Avatar

    I’m pretty certain that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who signed that petition voted for Urkel Hussein McPutt-Putt if they voted at all. Losers, every ignorant one of them.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Hah! Hilarious, thanks. Hmmm… maybe I should put a warning sign on my bird feeder.

    And do you realize how many people have been killed by this substance?

  3. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    Wait a moment… Dihydrogen monoxide is an essential nutrient that is frequently depleted in food processing. It is almost 90% oxygen by mass, which clearly shows its importance for oxygenating tissues. As for the depletion, for example, organic grapes have over five times the percentage of dihydrogen monoxide compared to genetically-modified raisins. The paleo diet might also reflect the importance of this nutrient. Sugar and wheat flour have almost no dihydrogen monoxide at all.

    … and don’t get me started on citric acid …

  4. Amiable Dorsai Avatar
    Amiable Dorsai

    I dunno, I’ve known the dihydrogen monoxide gag for decades, and I might have signed that doll’s petition.

    Mind you, I probably would have signed “Homer Sap,” or some such . . . .