Root causes

A Justin Bieber fan I am not. That I assure you.

In fact, just yesterday I “shared” the following image on Facebook:

Not having a clue about today’s news, my caption was, “If we can save just one Justin Bieber fan…”

Simple, gentle, snark, not intended as a putdown of anyone. I probably should have pointed out that “Bieber” had been misspelled, but that seemed so petty at the time.

So the next day, the kid’s bust is in the news, and everyone seems all exercised. Why? Since when is it a crisis for a 19 year old to get popped for speeding and DUI? Is that an indictment of today’s youth? They did far worse when I was a youth.

If what he blew is any indication, from a legal standpoint the case is more complicated than it looks.

According to sources, Bieber’s breath test did not show any substantive alcohol use. He blew .014 and .011, well below the legal limit. That amount is too low for authorities to suspend a license for an underage driver, although Bieber does not have a Florida license.

If the above is true, then he was not drunk, which means they’ll have to get into not only marijuana, but his prescription anti-depressants, which a lot of people take, and which might make this a difficult narrative when the dust settles.

Not being a Bieber fan, nor a Bieber enemy, I’m finding it hard to get excited, and had it not been for my Facebook post, I’d be about as interested in this as I am in the root cause of arboreal hedonism.

I’m sure it’s deeply rooted, though.




