Joined By Tea Party Republicans

The Federal Government is moving towards reduced sentences for drug offenses. But just who in government is moving that way surprised me.

On the legislative front, liberal Democrats joined by tea party Republicans have pushed hard for sentencing changes, particularly for drug offenders who make up about half of the nation’s more than 218,000 federal inmates.

Maybe libertarianism is getting stronger politically than I thought. And much sooner than I thought. I may have to get used to a whole new world. Again. I like it.






6 responses to “Joined By Tea Party Republicans”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    Good this will open up more jail cells to put republicans in after their convictions for treason sedition and sabotage though treason is a capital offense so they will be on death row.

  2. Simon Avatar

    Ah. The ever reliable Left. Ever ready with the death camps. Come The Revolution. I hear there are still some good designs left over from the German Socialists. Probably just need upgrading for available materials.

  3. Randy Avatar

    They are beginning to see which way the wind is blowing and are testing the waters to make sure it isn’t too cold. How is that for mixing metaphors?

  4. Al Avatar

    Careful simon, cap is a genuine internet tough guy!

  5. TallDave Avatar

    The Tea Party’s foundation is minarchism. They’re the people who embody the “government is the problem” that’s been rising to the top of the polls — that’s the thing to remember.

  6. Simon Avatar


    I agree. But for a while it looked like the TEAs had been coopted by socons. Which is why I was surprised.