Can’t explain

Eric Holder can’t explain the constitutional basis of President Obama’s stated plan to get around Congress by issuing executive orders.

Attorney General Eric Holder couldn’t explain the constitutional basis for executive orders such as President Obama’s delay of the employer mandate because he hasn’t read the legal analysis — or at least, hasn’t seen it in a long time.

“I’ll be honest with you, I have not seen — I don’t remember looking at or having seen the analysis in some time, so I’m not sure where along the spectrum that would come,” Holder replied when Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked him to explain the nature of Obama’s constitutional power to delay the mandate.

Oh, well, cut the man some slack, dude! After all, he’s only the Attorney General of the United States. Mere trivialities such as the constitutionality of his boss’s executive orders are obviously beyond his pay grade.

No need to explain. Just look.

And listen.






4 responses to “Can’t explain”

  1. Simon Avatar

    Biden looks like he was painted in the picture and Boehner looks like he is being rectal probed with an over sized metal probe cooled with dry ice.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    “being rectal probed with an over sized metal probe cooled with dry ice”

    That’s a pretty good analysis of the speech!

  3. sarareilly Avatar

    can we replace the dry ice with liquid nitrogen? And add some sort of remote-controlled thumper to the bottom of his chair?

  4. captain*arizona Avatar

    Obama should be jailing these republican traitors for treason and sabotage not trying to get around them! This is what we pay are taxes to build prisons for!