Politicians Are Deficient In Endocannabinoids

Politicians lack brain plasticity. They hate novelty. Which is why we are stuck.

You can find more videos on the subject at The Age of FLP’s is Approaching. An FLP is a Forward Looking Person. A BLP is a Backwards Looking Person.

Science Daily has an article on the subject: Political Views Are Reflected in Brain Structure. Here is the original peer reviewed article from Current Biology in pdf Political Views Are Reflected in Brain Structure – pdf.

Dr. Melamede’s University profile.

Throughout my life I have been fascinated and amazed by life, always wondering what it is and how it works. Modern molecular biology and far from equilibrium thermodynamics have provided me with answers that I find very satisfying. Simply and simplistically put, it is natural for the flow of energy and matter to act “creatively”. This fact of physics serves as the central theme for all courses that I teach. It provides a scientific basis for understanding life and death, health and disease. I hope you will enjoy and benefit from this approach.

Dr. Melamede’s CV

Dr. Robert Melamede has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the City University of New York. Dr. Melamede retired as Chairman of the Biology Department at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in 2005, where he continues to teach and research cannabinoids, cancer, and DNA repair. Dr. Melamede is recognized as a leading authority on the therapeutic uses of cannabis, and has authored or co-authored dozens of papers on a wide variety of scientific subjects. Dr. Melamede also serves on the Editorial Board of The Journal of the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine, the Scientific Advisory Board of Americans for Safe Access, Sensible Colorado, Scientific Advisor for Cannabis Therapeutics as well as a variety other of state dispensaries and marijuana patient advocacy groups.

He says in a video that he has been smoking cannabis for 50 years. I wonder how some one on cannabis for 50 years can get thermodynamics, one of the most difficult subjects in science. At nuke school more guys washed out on thermo than any other subject. I got “A”s in thermo while reading motorcycle magazines in the back of the class. These days I have a thermo book I read at bed time occasionally. Evidently cannabis does not make all people stupid.

BTW Max Planck noted something similar.

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

Why is that? Endocannabinoid production in the brain declines rapidly after age 25 in women and age 27 in men.






2 responses to “Politicians Are Deficient In Endocannabinoids”

  1. Alan Kellogg Avatar

    Then you have those who are prematurely aged.

    Me, on the other hand…

  2. […] explanation of politics and Behavioral Sink Behavior And Thermodynamics. A recent post I did Politicians Are Deficient In Endocannabinoids got me to thinking more about the […]