Pretend Tree

Some one posted a similar image on facebook. The person is otherwise sane. She is anti-drug war for instance. I left a few comments.

Pretend I’m a woman and need continuous government surveillance. It should be done using the Drug War precedent. Weekly pregnancy tests.With a sufficiently strong police state we can end this scourge.


OK. I’ll pretend you are a tree. Save the acorns. Because killing an acorn is tree murder.


Well I blame it all on the Jews. You would be amazed at how similar our American laws on abortion are to Jewish law on abortion.


Everyone is against a police state except for the special items they want policed.

I say we should stick with tradition. Force, fraud, and intentional carelessness. And nothing else.






12 responses to “Pretend Tree”

  1. notaclue Avatar

    Some of us believe force includes jerking a unique, living human being from its mother’s womb and killing it.

    If I have to stop believing that to meet someone’s definition of sanity, I plan to remain insane.

  2. Frank Avatar

    And some of you who believe that abortion is murder also get your kicks by killing defenseless animals for the sport of it. The only difference as far as I can see is that you imbue a make believe soul into the fetus so that you don’t have to face the ugly fact of your own mortality.

    Either a woman owns her body including the half developed and totally dependent life that is within her, or you do by claim of fantasy. Spare us the sanctimony born of hypocrisy.

  3. newrouter Avatar

    >abortion is murder also get your kicks by killing defenseless animals for the sport of it<

    the stupid is industrial grade

  4. Frank Avatar

    As M.Simon is wont to say, I’ve been having a discussion about reason vs. emotion with a visiting friend from Ireland. The little matter of consistency has come up. That is why the “killing defenseless animals” bit was thrown in. Personally I don’t have a problem with either killing wild animals for sport, or with a woman having an abortion. Each to their own.

    But you can’t have it both ways. The only reason some oppose abortion is because of the religious aspect. The same people who see abortion as murder will sit themselves down to a fine dinner of Veal Scallopini knowing full well that a baby cow was butchered first. No problema.

    In order to be consistent we go through all kinds of contortions. There is a hierarchy of life we say. Only humans are self aware. Only humans have a soul, whatever that is and as defined in whatever made up religion. Take Buddhism.

    While Buddhists don’t actually believe in transmigration, nevertheless they believe that animals have souls. Many are vegetarians.

    Hindus won’t kill or eat cattle.

    And American Evangelicals believe that once a human egg is fertilized and starts to divide it is a human being with a God given soul. Until they can prove it scientifically, it is just as much a wild assertion as the Buddhists who believe in animal souls.

    The Right To Life people in this country are hell bent on forcing their beliefs onto the rest of us through force of law.
    If they have their way a woman could be charged with murder for having an abortion. It’s fine with them that millions of abortions occur naturally as an act of God. But when a woman chooses to end a pregnancy prematurely, they have a fit.

    So to be consistent in their beliefs they will use whatever means necessary to wipe out the rights of women who do not believe as they do.

    No law is forcing any Evangelical Christian woman to have an abortion. You can practice your beliefs to your hearts content.

    Just leave the rest of us alone. Please.

  5. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    “Pretend I’m a woman and need continuous government surveillance.”

    Why? We usually don’t act like that with other real crimes.

    “You would be amazed at how similar our American laws on abortion are to Jewish law on abortion.”

    My standard reply: That attempt to convert me to Christianity did not work.

  6. M. Simon Avatar


    Well there is a little problem with abortion.

    Policing. You would need to make women chattel of the State to police it effectively. My guess is that women will object.

    i.e. more votes for the economic socialists.

  7. M. Simon Avatar

    Joseph says:

    Why? We usually don’t act like that with other real crimes.

    Evidently you are unaware of Drug War policing. You should study it.

    Oh. Wait I see your caveat usually.

    Now consider: isn’t killing more important that drug taking? If occasional drug tests deter drug users wouldn’t frequent pregnancy tests deter abortion?

    For both you just pee in a bottle. Why would you object to that? Don’t you like babies?

  8. M. Simon Avatar

    As Frank has pointed out. God is the biggest abortionist going. Can we bring Him to trial?

    And will every miscarriage need to be investigated as a potential murder? I see that as a strong inducement to early sterilization by surgery.

    What you “there ought to be a law” folks never consider is side effects.

    Look at all the side effects we get from Drug Prohibition. The shredding of the 4th Amendment is only one.

  9. M. Simon Avatar

    I do like the Catholic attitude, if we are going to force women to bear children we will need a more generous welfare state.

    How could you possibly object?

    It is for the children.

  10. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    Do drug tests deter drug use?

  11. Simon Avatar

    Do drug tests deter drug use?

    That is the official line.

    Why would you expect a war on abortion to be any more rational than a war on drugs?


    I am greatly amused by all the anti-controllers who want to put “just this one tool” in that hands of the controllers to “solve just this one urgent moral problem”.

    And pretty soon there is nothing but control.

    “If xxx is the problem, ONLY Government is the solution.”

    How about a willingness to live with less than 100% results and working to change people’s minds?

    Not even government can give you 100% results.


    I see no net gain if a Pregnancy Enforcement Administration replaces a Drug Enforcement Administration.

  12. Frank Avatar

    working to change people’s minds?

    “Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where the gun begins.”
    John Galt