Large Corporations Are Suspect

This is about the regulation of monopolies. From It may explain why insurance companies joined with the government to enact ObamaCare. Survival is guaranteed.






6 responses to “Large Corporations Are Suspect”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    You just found out that large corperations believe in socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor just as they believe in mercy and forgivness for them from law and authority and law and order for the the people of the lower classes. Adam smith in his book the wealth of nation. I never went into a room full of capitalist where they didn’t conspire to fix prices!

  2. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    And I never left a room where they conspired to fix prices where they didn’t immediately run off to undercut each other.

    Jerry Pournelle likes to go on about how unregulated capitalism will lead to human flesh being sold in the market. I don’t see how that happens, unless it’s vat-grown long pig. A few anarcho-capitalists aside, capitalism exists inside a network of laws and ethics.

    In any case, the ultimate monopoly is the government’s monopoly on force. Bill Gates can sell me a lousy operating system; the government can kill me.

    Attempts to monopolize prices create opportunities for competition. Any real world monopolies exist because they out compete all competition by doing something better and cheaper than anyone else.

    I used to hear about EEEEEVIL capitalists like John D. Rockefeller. Standard oil made mineral oil so cheap and easily available that it drove whale oil right off the market. John D. Rockefeller saved the whales.

  3. captain*arizona Avatar

    since no capitalist stayed with price fixing there was no evidence of price fixing right so no capitalist could be prosecuted right? Wrong! The court records or full of price fixing prosecutions that were succesful though rarely did these criminals get the justice they deserved! see coke brothers stealing oklahoma indian lands oil and how they had to buy off george bush to stay out of jail! Bush fired the prosecuter and wouldn’t alow a new one to prosecute the coke’s!

  4. captain*arizona Avatar

    large corporations kill people all of the time their always being sued for it. Read lee ioccoa’s book how it cost to much money to fix the back doors on fords and just let the kids in the back seats bounce out and be killed or the pinto where they admit in documents that it was cheaper to let people burn to death then fix the problem! asbestos workers remember them I could go on but you get the point!

  5. Simon Avatar

    We can have a (nearly) perfect world. You couldn’t afford it.

  6. Jccarlton Avatar

    The only time price fixing is sustainable is when the government supports it. Which government will do if you don’t watch it. What Captain AZ doesn’t understand is that there is no such thing as perfect government and that one way to look at governments and regulation is to think of it being run by the worst people imaginable. Which it will be, if experience is any judge.