No time for Venn diagrams

Earlier I was reading about judicial versus constitutional conservatism.

And Calhounian versus Heinleinian libertarianism.

I’m beat and have to get up before dawn, so I have no time for Venn Diagrams, but I’m wondering how much overlap there would be if you had a circle for both of the above kinds of conservatism and both of the above kinds of libertarianism. Would there be any point at which all four overlapped?

I mean, is it possible to be a Calhounian-Heinleinian judicial-constitutional conservative-libertarian? I doubt it







2 responses to “No time for Venn diagrams”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    A quote from that article:
    “Today, probably 90 percent of the Republican intelligentsia in Washington DC and New York City counts itself as libertarian on economic and social issues”

    To me it looks like out of the two ruling parties we have a socialist party and a radical marxist party. Not a libertarian bone in their body. There might be an occasional libertarian in the woodwork, but they are far from determining policy. Quick quiz, which of these recent Republicans was a libertarian:
    Bob Dole
    John McCain
    George H.W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Mitt Romney

    I’ll give Reagan a pass because I know he had read Ayn Rand and Hayek and he at least tried to some extent.

    Is “libertarian” a political philosophy among these elites, or is it just a convenient phrase to mouth so as to get invited to trendy cocktail parties?

  2. Bram Avatar

    I agree – the mainstream GOP doesn’t have the slightest strain of libertarianism. If they did, we would here about them constantly repealing laws and regulations – in Congress and the states.