Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey – Drops Out Of Anti-Gun Coalition

Mayor drops out of Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition, says ‘focus should not be against law-abiding citizens’.

An independent Illinois mayor is leaving New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition because he said the group strayed from its original mission and became too focused on pushing for an assault-weapons ban.

“I’ve dropped out of a group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG),” Rockford, Illinois mayor Larry Morrissey said at a Rockford Tea Party town hall Saturday as the crowd burst into applause. “The reason why I joined the group in the first place is because I took the name for what it said. Against ‘Illegal’ guns.”

“The challenge that we see day in and day out in the city of Rockford is not dealing primarily with assault weapons or machine guns, automatic weapons. It’s dealing with a typical handgun. All of those typical weapons are usually in the hands of people who are prohibited from having them,” Morrissey said.

“As the original mission swayed, that’s when I decided that it was no longer in line with my beliefs. …So that’s why I dropped out,” Morrissey explained. “The focus should not be against law-abiding citizens. We should be focusing our enforcement on folks who have no right to carry a gun, concealed or otherwise.”

I consider the Mayor a friend. He handled a couple of cases for my family back when he was a practicing lawyer and he was a regular at Libertarian meetings back when I used to attend. Bravo Mayor Morrissey.






2 responses to “Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey – Drops Out Of Anti-Gun Coalition”

  1. TallDave Avatar

    Good news. I didn’t realize we had a libertarian mayor in the area.

  2. M. Simon Avatar

    Libertarian leaning is more accurate.