“Nobody is listening to your phone calls” Because nobody has to!

They know you rang a sex line at 2 am, but they don’t know what your talking about? You ring a suicide prevention hotline from the golden gate bridge, but don’t know what you talked about? They know you spoke with an HIV testing service, then your doctor, then your health insurance, but they don’t know what you talked about? They know you received a call from the local NRA office about gun legislation and then you instantly contacted your representatives but they don’t know what you talked about?

I saw the above on Facebook earlier, so I decided to Google the quote.

It is quoted on Democratic Underground which added this:

 -They know you called a gynecologist, spoke for a half hour, and then called the local Planned Parenthood’s number later that day. But nobody knows what you spoke about.

But that is hardly limited to the left. Rush Limbaugh quotes it this way:

They know that you rang a phone sex service at 2:24 in the morning and spoke for 18 minutes, but they don’t know what you talked about?  Give me a break.  They know you called the suicide prevention hotline from the Golden Gate Bridge, but they don’t know what you talked about?  They know that you spoke with an HIV testing service and then your doctor and then your health insurance company in the same hour, but they don’t know what you talked about?

They know you received a call — get this one — they know you received a call from the local NRA office while it was having a campaign against gun legislation, and then called your senators and congressional representatives immediately after, but they don’t know what you were talking about?  They know you called a gynecologist, they know you spoke for a half hour, and after that you called the local Planned Parenthood number, but nobody knows what you called about?

I’ve been busy lately, and I don’t know exactly what this means. But what I do know is that things are more polarized than ever, and when I see right and left both thinking along similar lines, that gets my attention.

The president’s reassurances don’t seem to be resonating very well.






9 responses to ““Nobody is listening to your phone calls” Because nobody has to!”

  1. Will Avatar

    I don’t think any of us need to worry about this yet. The top tiers of those who are actually capable of quality forensic intelligence and data analysis are working for Google, Bloomberg, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and a host of others. The Global Climate Change alarm industry gets the third raters and Uncle Sam gets the dropouts and porn oglers.
    I suspect the FED, Treasury, and a few others manage some significant assistance from their systemically important, revolving door friends(who actually employ such code writers.) These however glean from specific types of networks, terminals and databases which are used by relatively few.

  2. Neil Avatar


    The NSA and military learned to do network analysis on internet and cell phone networks in their work against Al Qaeda. Quite successfully, too. When you hear about a drone strike on “Al-Qaeda connected militants”, that’s what they’re talking about. They didn’t overhear somebody reporting to their Al-Qaeda boss, they just observed somebody engaging in communications with known members of Al-Qaeda.

    If somebody observed your interactions (page views, leaving a comment, etc.) with political websites, they’d have a pretty good idea of what’s going on in your head, right? And then you’re on the audit list at IRS, OSHA, EPA, etc., and the “domestic terrorist” list at DHS.

  3. […] "Nobody is listening to your phone calls" Because nobody has to! […]

  4. Will Avatar

    “Quite successfully”? Even in countries with less than 20 million mobile accounts they either aren’t really good at it or are being hamstrung. Progress yes; and some success, but really good? I don’t know.
    “they’d have a pretty good idea of what’s going on in your head” I can only hope so.

  5. Neil Avatar


    You’re talking about the difference between tactical success and strategic success. Tactically, network analysis has been very successful. Can’t be helped if the strategy it supports is a dog’s breakfast.

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    “You’re talking about the difference between tactical success and strategic success. Tactically, network analysis has been very successful. Can’t be helped if the strategy it supports is a dog’s breakfast.”

    I beg to differ – tactically – and logistically – it’s a dog’s breakfast – TMI (Too Much Information) – can’t be done. Strategically it works – it scares (almost) everyone who disagrees into shutting their mouths.

  7. Will Avatar

    Kathy, I used to believe that it was TMI; that they were burying themselves in minutiae, but not any more. I used to do inventory control work for a company whose salespeople used HHT’s “hand held terminals”. The HHT and other databases helped me cut their “shrink” to almost nothing and more than double the profit margin at that location. I really enjoyed the challenge of “un-cooking” the books and the second sales manager loved his honest, six digit,yearly bonus while I worked there. The upper echelons of the company were very conflicted (I could write a entire book about that.) They wanted to know if there was “serious” theft or embezzlement going on but not that a significant portion of it was being done by some of their top salespeople and managers. A little fudging on sales data and dates (called sandbagging)that resulted in a few small bonuses was better unnoticed. Even kickbacks for vehicle/building maintenance and repairs could apparently be overlooked.
    A mega database can be mined if our leaders can agree on what for and let programmers develop the correct filters instead of dictating them.

  8. Frank Avatar

    …when I see right and left both thinking along similar lines…

    When leftist Obama supporter Charles Karel calls for impeachment you know it must be The End Times: