Sending The Wrong Message To The Children

Eric Holder is weighing the pros and cons about what to do about States that legalize marijuana. He says he is thinking of the children. And organized crime. Well one of his supporters believes the best way to send messages to children is with armed men.

“Your department could choose to attempt to overturn those laws,” said Harris, a physician. That would send a message to America’s youth that marijuana is not a safe drug, he added. “Kids need clear messages and I’m afraid we’re not sending them one,” he said.

Mr. Harris then added that the message on alcohol is not clear either. Nor is there anything about the value of carbonated and flavored sugar water. Well of course I just made that up. About alcohol and sugar water. But it is just about as rational.

The best way to send a message to kids these days? Text them. It is cheaper than hiring police to support organized crime. Which may be in fact what Holder worries about.



