The Urge To Believe

H/T upcountrywater commenting on Watts Up With That.






3 responses to “The Urge To Believe”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    G-d grant he has 6 young wives, a dozen kids-and more coming. We need more like him.

    He just totally smashed the ‘we didn’t land on the moon’ meme.

    Sigh – except the ones who BELIEVE won’t listen. (See Area 51, etc.)

    G-d, or evolution–either way-somehow made gullibility a survival trait. And then left it, laughing, when it became the opposite.

    Nowadays, gullibility kills. Spammers, scammers, “YOU WON” – just give us your money and you’ll get more.” OR “We can cure your whatever….just buy”

    And we want to believe.

    There would be no spam, no scams, if the gullible did not exist. But we are all gullible. Even me. Yes, me. Even you. Yes you.

    Not everything you believe in is true. Listen. Not everything you hate is false. Listen. And think.

  2. Scott M Avatar
    Scott M

    You might as well tell someone that is hallucinating they don’t hear voices in their head. Conspiracy thinking isn’t due to any fact, it’s an internal thinking problem common under certain circumstances. If facts could debunk conspiracy the internet would have caused an end to conspiracy theories.

  3. Simon Avatar


    Funny. I hear voices. Occasionally. Thing is – you need to cross check them.

    The voice way back told me to start making a family. Some of the best advice I ever had. No way to check that in advance.