Patent Trolls

From Reason Magazine.

How to beat a patent troll.

Don’t negotiate with terrorists.

Patent Trolls Eat Startups First. Here’s What You Can Do About It

The author of this: A Patent Troll Wants to Charge You for Emailing Your Scans!, also writes for Network World.

The patent trolls are, in effect, completely legal financial terrorists.

Patent Trolls

According to James Bessen, the costs of patent litigation exceed their investment value in all industries except chemistry and pharmaceuticals. For example, in the software industry, litigation costs are twice the investment value.

Startups and Patent Trolls

EFF – Patent Busting






2 responses to “Patent Trolls”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Note that copyright trolls are doing their best to do the same (see Getty). Use public domain images only – and if Getty does sue you for an infringement, ask them for THEIR proof of copyright. (You won’t get it, but they’ll go away and send your “case” to a “we’ll buy it for 1 cent on the dollar” collection agency.

  2. AML Avatar

    First, it shouldn’t cost 2Million. Don’t high a big NYC or Cal firm. You can get counsel for much less than that.

    Second, don’t fight on their terms. Use reexams and inter partes review to stop their litigation and fight on favorable turf.

    Third, the burden of proof is on the patent holder not the defendant.

    Sounds like he could have been better represented.