Here Is What I Would Do

There is an opinion piece about immigration that I made this comment to (in part as a response to other commenters):

So let me see. We can not prevent smuggling of goods (neither could the USSR) but we can prevent the smuggling of people?

“Conservatives” are insane.

What would I do? Make it easier to get in temporarily so there was less incentive to stay. And welfare reform might be in order. But fences? You have to put troops behind them to make them work. See Germany, East, Stasi.

Care to station two or three divisions on the Mexican border with shoot to kill orders? Look up Esequiel Hernández Jr.






8 responses to “Here Is What I Would Do”

  1. vox Avatar

    Borders, language, culture. These are what the State exists to protect. This is implicit in any social contract. Likewise, the social contract is between the state and the citizen. Rights are the obligations of the state to the citizen under the social contract, and foreigners have no rights by definition; any rights the wetbacks may or may not have is between them and the government of Mexico, and none of our concern. They are not blood of our blood. They have no roots in the soil of this land. We owe them nothing.

    Every other nation on Earth guards its borders. Historically speaking, failure to do so is a pretty good indicator that the Huns are on their way.

    As for the case of Mr. Hernandez (a rather foreign-sounding name, for an American citizen, if you will forgive the observation), such unfortunate incidents happen occasionally. The alert reader may recall the case of one Mr. Amadou Diallo, late of Guinea, in NYC in 1999, who under rather muddy circumstances managed to get himself quite thoroughly ventilated by several NYPD cops. I am not sure that this makes the case that we should disband the NYPD and leave the streets to whatever “order” might be imposed by the Crips and the Locos Intocables and the Gangster Disciples, but perhaps I am not “conservative” enough.

    What would I do?

    Return the Border Patrol to the status and the level of funding, corrected for inflation, that it had during the Eisenhower Administration, at a minimum.

    Pull all US troops out of Europe, Korea, Japan, and Southwest Asia. Whatever happens in those places is not our problem. Put them on the border with Mexico as an adjunct to the Border Patrol. Seal off and fortify the border. I want teams with tracking dogs on constant patrol. I want thousands of miles of razorwire. I want land mines.

    Get serious about rounding up the wetbacks and deporting them. Get their children out of the schools; public schools are for the children of citizens only. Not one more cent of welfare money for foreign criminals who break our laws and invade our nation illegally.

    Under our laws, when a foreign diplomat’s wife gives birth at Bethesda, their child is not awarded American citizenship. Why is every criminal wetback’s IQ-55 crackbaby automatically made a citizen, when the children of foreign dignitaries born here are not extended this amazing privilege? What other nation ever existed that did such a thing? Obviously, if our “public servants” in the judiciary have made the determination that this is lawful, a purge and certain corrections are in order.

    Speaking of legal precedent, a number of judges have established some extremely bad, blackly dangerous precedents, like giving wetbacks standing to sue in US courts. Go to Mexico illegally and try to sue a Mexican national in a Mexican court. Do it, I dare you. But I think I mentioned the need for a purge and some corrective rulings.

    Many large cities in California have declared themselves to be “sanctuary cities,” in which the wetbacks are given all the privileges of US citizenship, from health care to welfare checks to the franchise (well, technically illegal, but if a law is unenforced long enough…) without having to so much as pay a cent in taxes, and in which furthermore local law enforcement does not cooperate with INS or the Border Patrol. As such, I would cut off 100% of Federal revenue-sharing money, 100% of Federal highway construction money, and close 100% of remaining military bases in California until such time as they came around to my way of thinking. Any other state that does the same thing gets the same treatment.

    Make it a felony to hire an illegal alien–with a minimum ten year sentence in a Federal supermax facility, plus creative application of the RICO laws to facilitate asset forfeiture and seizure of the business, 50% of the value of which will be awarded to the informant as a reward. Human trafficking? Once again: ten year minimum sentence in a supermax facility, plus seizure of all the trafficker’s assets and property under asset forfeiture laws. Likewise make it a felony to aid, abet, or shelter a wetback knowingly, with the same minimum ten year sentence, this to deter the traitorous do-gooders who leave food and water in the desert for the foreign invaders.

    This is what we must do about the invasion. Anything short of this is pissing in the wind, and in another fifteen or twenty years we’ll be a Third World country. We’re already well on our way. Is it too late for us?

  2. Simon Avatar

    No one on the left or right is prepared for the expense (economic or political) of putting the required number of troops on the border with shoot to kill orders.

    That is reality.

    Now given reality what is the best you can do NOW?

    BTW by your understanding I’m not properly American either. My name may sound English – but I am not in any way.


    BTW why wouldn’t Hernandez be an American name? Or are you saying we should reject the parts of Mexico conquered in the early 1800s?

  3. Simon Avatar


    What you are promoting amounts to a police state. What happens when they turn the machinery you have so lovingly created on you?

    Personally I would like to turn those new Americans into real Americans. The world could always use more Americans.

    What is your plan?

    As part of my plan I would require English as a requirement for citizenship.

  4. Simon Avatar

    BTW the penalties for drugs are far greater than those you propose. Yet the drugs keep flowing.

    Which indicates your plan may have some unexpected flaws.

  5. JustMe Avatar

    We can secure the border and for relatively low cost. We simply lack the political will to do so. How? Mines. Drop millions of them from the air and create the DZM all over again, Cambodia writ long if you will. That is never, ever going to happen. The State is, indeed, to secure the borders but that is primarily against other nations and less so their nationals IMNHO. We have two choices: make it as inhospitable as possible for them (Drug War Model) or decriminalize, tax and regulate (NV Prostitution Model). Which has been more successful?

  6. lelnet Avatar

    “Under our laws, when a foreign diplomat’s wife gives birth at Bethesda, their child is not awarded American citizenship. Why is every criminal wetback’s IQ-55 crackbaby automatically made a citizen, when the children of foreign dignitaries born here are not extended this amazing privilege?”

    Because the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says so, in no uncertain terms. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States”. Foreign diplomats and their families are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, which is why if they commit crimes here, the only recourse we have against them is sending them home. Illegal immigrants _are_ subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, which is why we have so many of them in our prisons.

  7. Randy Avatar

    Republicans need to remember that many, probably most, of the illegals in the country have relatives who are citizens and they are listening to both parties and they vote.

    vox – you kiss your momma with that mouth? vox for whom, the KKK?

  8. Ben David Avatar
    Ben David

    Spare me the self-righteous handwringing.

    Try to immigrate to Switzerland, Singapore, or Japan – none of them police states.

    It’s very easy to stop this without turning into a police state:

    1. Basic physical barriers that are effectively patrolled. Drones + guys in jeeps does not equal a police state.

    2. No amnesty or social benefits of any kind. You must GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM and start the legal process… and your breaking of our laws counts AGAINST your application.

    3. Immediate deportation upon discovery, including confiscation of all property and savings.

    4. Significant fines for employers.

    5. No citizenship to children of illegals.

    In other words – breaking our laws GAINS YOU NOTHING and counts AGAINST your chances of citizenship…. oooooooh how “racist” and “chauvinist” an idea!!!