‘Tis the season? For what?

What the hell is going on? Is there some new sort of war against Christmas? I mean, just as I was getting ready to kick back and maybe relax and enjoy the season for a bit, it seems that an all out war against the Second Amendment is being declared. I’m not sure I’m in the right mood for a war on the Second Amendment, especially right now. They seem hell bent on dragging this thing well through the Christmas season, with Christmas funerals, one after another, each one nationally televised as if this is the biggest national event since 9/11.

Are these people crazy? I’m not trying to minimize the horrific event, but it is over. Can’t the victims’ families be allowed to heal? And why is there an attempt to single out a victim for blame? The shooter’s mom was shot to death by a mentally deranged son she tried in vain to control, and they are acting almost as if she’s the one who did it.

Mrs Lanza, 52, was a ‘prepper’ – so called because they are preparing for a breakdown in civilised society – who apparently became obsessed with guns and taught Adam and his older brother, Ryan, how to shoot, even taking them to local ranges.

That backfired horrifically on Friday when Adam Lanza began his killing spree by shooting his mother dead in bed.

This is one of the worst cases of blame-the-victim I have ever seen in my life. The clear implication of such reporting is that people who think the economy is going to collapse and own guns are dangerous.

Considering Homeland Security’s new rumblings about surveillance, I find this attitude very worrisome. I didn’t do anything and I would just like to enjoy the Christmas season. Is that asking too much?

My worry is that the hysteria is being deliberately ramped up and will get worse.

And (if I may ask a rhetorical question), why is it not being reported that the Oregon mall shooter was stopped by an armed citizen?

While reports of Tuesday’s shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, dominated the national media, until Friday’s horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, one very important detail has been repeatedly (and intentionally) left out of the MSM’s coverage.

The shooter, Jacob Tyler Roberts, was confronted with an armed citizen, at which time he ran away and shot himself. By the time police arrived on the scene, Roberts was already dead.

That armed man was 22-year-old Nick Meli, who was at the mall shopping with a young woman who was babysitting her friend’s baby.

It’s too bad there couldn’t have been just one man like Nick Meli present at the Newtown, Connecticut school. There is a large number of law-abiding, pre-vetted armed Americans with concealed carry permits, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the vast majority of them would be willing to volunteer for guard duty. This reminds me of what Eugene Volokh discussed in what he called a “thought experiment.”

They wouldn’t deal with ordinary trespassing, vandalism, and the like, nor would they be at all guaranteed to be effective in the event of a school shooting (who can offer such a guarantee?). But they’d provide someone on the ground who could try to interrupt a killing spree.

I’d be willing to volunteer. So would a lot of people. But it will never happen, because the goal here is not to solve the problem of school shootings, but to wage war against the Second Amendment.

Which reminds me of a question asked by Dr. Helen Smith: “If the Second Amendment is to Blame for Mass Murder, Then the First is to Blame as Well: Do We Get Rid of Both?

To me that’s a rhetorical question to which the answer is “Hell no!”

But for the opportunists who want to milk this tragedy and ruin everyone’s Christmas holiday, the answer is “Hell yes!”






One response to “‘Tis the season? For what?”

  1. […] about alcohol, or even cars.) No one wants dead children, and that isn’t the choice. As I pointed out, I think many concealed carry permit holders would be willing to volunteer to offer security […]