Sustaining Sustainability

I wrote a bit on what sustainability means. “Sustainability” is inherently unsustainable. You might find it amusing. One commenter had this to say:

It is always nice to start a day with a very tongue in cheek commentary.

I wrote the piece in order to smoke out the Malthusian mass murderers. I did catch a few in the comments.






6 responses to “Sustaining Sustainability”

  1. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    My company is all about “Sustainability” and “Going Green.” It’s getting so bad that I can’t stand the sound of the actual words anymore. And green used to be one of my favorite colors, too…

  2. Neil Avatar


    Ask me sometime for an analysis that demonstrates that solar energy is unsustainable.

  3. […] Sniveling Cowards Posted on November 30, 2012 3:30 pm by Bill Quick Classical Values » Sustaining Sustainability I wrote a bit on what sustainability means. “Sustainability” is inherently unsustainable. You […]

  4. […] of sustainability, I just learned that Drake’s Bay Oyster Company — fourth generation family business I […]

  5. Steve Skubinna Avatar
    Steve Skubinna

    “Sustainability” has always puzzled me, especially when I hear it applied to agriculture. You mean int he six or so millennia we’ve been practicing it, we have NOT been doing it sustainably?

    Lucky for us we didn’t use up ALL the arable land, then. Is there enough left?

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Neil… lol. And it’s true. I suspect I could do the same analysis.