Inhale, baby! INHALE!

Considering our government’s craven record of appeasement and shocking disregard of the First Amendment, it should surprise no one that demands are now being made that the United States criminalize blasphemy or else lose our consulates. Whether that is a threat or a promise, who knows?

But here’s the best part:

One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.

I couldn’t believe that I actually read that in a news report.  It looks for all the world like a punch line in one of those endlessly circulated emails about how some hapless enemy got their just desserts.

I’m sure the irony is lost on them that we evil reat Satanists don’t criminalize flag burning any more than we do blasphemy, but if I could give them some heartfelt advice, it would be that when they feel the need to burn the US flag, they really ought to proudly inhale as deeply as possible and as often as possible.






3 responses to “Inhale, baby! INHALE!”

  1. Rob Avatar

    I move that all US flags at all consulates and embassies be now made of highly flammable deadly poisonous materials. Something that looks and feels like cloth but upon contact with an open flame instantly bursts into huge flames and releases a cloud of toxic gas. All in favor say “aye”.

  2. JVDeLong Avatar

    The next step will for the tort plaintiffs’ lawyers to sue (successfully) the flag makers for not using non-toxic materials in the manufacture of flags.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    @Rob AYE!

    @JVDeLong – and that’s the problem… (I suspect those who burn the US flag legally could just stand upwind. And yes, that is the way to get rid of an old worn out flag – but it’s done with proper ceremony…)