Put the left in charge, and the result is “multicultural crap”

I just finished watching the opening of the Olympics. It was a crassly political musical extravaganza, dominated by leftist memes (“multicultural crap” according to British critics), such as the portrayal of life in rural England as idyllic and the Industrial Revolution as invasive and barbaric. I guess the authors never heard of feudalism.

Coming up — I am told — is some sort of celebration of socialized medicine in England.

More proof that the left has seized control of sports I do not need, and if this is coupled  with the message that any victories or achievements — no matter how hard or how long the athletes sweated and suffered for them — may be at any time be later erased and taken away, I’d say the overall message is aimed at Americans as well.

Anyway, ceremony so far strikes me as so moronic as to dwarf any of whatever “gaffes” Romney is being pilloried for.

I can’t believe ordinary sports fans have sat around and allowed the Olympics to be hijacked by the left.

(Actually, yes I can.)

MORE: In case anyone is wondering how the Olympics opening ceremony could become such a heavy-handed exercise in manipulation, here’s how Olympic Artistic Director Danny Boyle sees his role:

All these directors — Martin Scorsese, John Woo, M. Night Shyamalan — they were all meant to be priests. There’s something very theatrical about it. It’s basically the same job — poncing around, telling people what to think.[4][5]

At least he admits it.

The problem with me is that I don’t like being told what to think, damn it.

And I certainly didn’t turn on the Olympics in order to be told what to think.

And I find myself wondering about something else. Might such people later erase the wins of athletes who might later voice opinions deemed unacceptable?

UPDATE: This morning’s Drudge headlines:

Dancing nurses, bouncing sick children, huge hospital beds...
Opening Ceremony reflects 'deeply left-leaning sensibilities' of producer Boyle...

I guess I wasn’t alone in being annoyed.

AND MORE: As to the American Olympian who yelled “BABA BOOEY!”, while I see that he is facing criticism for it, the outburst strikes me as an appropriate response to the overall idiocy of the event.






4 responses to “Put the left in charge, and the result is “multicultural crap””

  1. dr kill Avatar
    dr kill

    Teh Olympic Games , powered by all that sucks at NBC, has dissolved into a 14 day Oprah/The View marathon occasionally punctuated by brief exhibitions of athletic skill designed to appeal to the modern American SWPL Womyn.
    So how could it not be rubbish?
    And is there currently anyone in sport broadcasting more annoying than Bob Costas?
    What did they do with his hair, anyway?

  2. Simon Avatar

    For those not keeping up (me) I assume the doctor means Stuff White People Like for SWPL.


    The NWO is showing its colors. Excellent.

    The Empire reveals itself.

  3. […] by Eric’s Put the left in charge, and the result is “multicultural crap” Print PDF Categories: Uncategorized 1 […]

  4. […] the Real Commies Are In England Posted on July 28, 2012 11:30 pm by Bill Quick Classical Values » Put the left in charge, and the result is “multicultural crap” I just finished watching the opening of the Olympics. It was a crassly political musical […]