They All Have Pet Causes

Eric was looking at some new water regulations regulating rain water puddles that amount to a taking of private property. Enviros gone mad. I left a comment which I’m turning into a post.

The trouble is not just the enviros. We have a whole host of folks who say “I believe in liberty, except for (names pet cause)”.

This is a short and not exhaustive list of pet causes:

1. Drugs
2. Abortion
3. Obesity
4. Corn syrup sweeteners
5. Meat
6. Hunting
7. Guns
8. Automobiles
9. Modern Chicken Farming Methods
10. Oil
11. Nuclear Power
12. Coal
13. etc. etc. etc.

And each of those factions takes the success of any other faction as reason to push on.

As I said in another venue in relation to the current political war going on in America between the communists and the fascists:

I will play ball with the victors. Either side. Why? Because I have ceased to give a rats ass about a people who WILLINGLY give up their liberty for what? For nothing.

It seems faith in officials is now the official faith in America. That would be government officials. Enforcers. Luckily there currently seem to be enough SWAT teams to handle the job. But don’t worry. If they run low they can make more.






4 responses to “They All Have Pet Causes”

  1. […] Classical Values » They All Have Pet Causes The trouble is not just the enviros. We have a whole host of folks who say “I believe in liberty, except for (names pet cause)”. […]

  2. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    “Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” (Poor Richard’s Almanac.)

    We could do worse than to pay attention to our Founding Fathers. (Happy Father’s Day)

  3. handworn Avatar

    I’d include fracking in the top 10 most common.

    About the only kind I’d agree about most of the time is the irreversible or very-difficult-to-reverse kind, like global warming, and that not 100% of the time.

  4. James Solbakken Avatar

    The BF Skinnerists of the New World Order hate any concept of individual human autonomy; The Skinnerites hate the very words “Freedom” & “Dignity” and are obsessed with getting “Beyond” them as soon as possible. So the real issue is never ever ever ever ever ever drugs, obesity, soda pop, cigarettes, trans fat, salt, calories, happy meal toys, seat belts, helmets, raw milk, not even guns. The issue is always about chipping away at individual human autonomy until it dies by the thousands of cuts.
    When I hear a-holes say, “I disagree with libertarianism” I ask, “So what part of leave me the hell alone” do you disagree with?” “If you don’t leave me the hell alone can I kill you? I ask rhetorically.” Yeah, that is usually the end of the discussion but I don’t care if perhaps the totalitarian bastards worry a bit about the consequences of their actions.