Live from Detroit

Yes, as Simon points out, I have been offline, although this morning I found a few seconds to use the Wifi here at the Cobo Center, where I am a delegate to the Michigan Republican Convention. I had barely time to sleep, and I may have more later.  I just watched Michigan Governor Snyder and RNCChair Reince Preibus (wow, I spelled it right) speak. And a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem by the Old Players (hope I got that right).

There will be more speeches, then voting for national committee delegates.

Lots of bitter arguments last night, and I am sure there will be more today. Ugh. I guess that’s politics.

MORE: Earlier on the rooftop parking lot, I saw a nice pig.






2 responses to “Live from Detroit”

  1. Simon Avatar


    I had fun writing it.

  2. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Thanks for the chuckle. Love that pig.