Vote against the Rick Santorum – Michael Moore axis of weasel!

It’s election day here in Michigan, and while I have not officially endorsed anyone, this headline reminded me who NOT to vote for:

Santorum robocall makes appeal to Michigan’s Democrats for votes

Democrat chicanery is one thing (anyone who doubts for one moment that there is a well-orchestrated Democrats for Santorum effort should read this) but this is the work of Santorum himself. So much for the argument that Santorum is the candidate of “honor” and “principle.” (Yes, people are saying that around here.)

On top of that I see that Michael Moore has endorsed Santorum.

If you are in Michigan or if there’s an election wherever you are, I recommend voting NO on Santorum.






4 responses to “Vote against the Rick Santorum – Michael Moore axis of weasel!”

  1. Simon Avatar

    This is the most incredibly insane election season I have ever witnessed. I really thought Huckabee was bad (he was). This is evidence that I had no idea. Not a friggin clue.

  2. Simon Avatar

    It gets better:

    Some Democrats, who can participate in the open primary, really are voting for Rick Santorum because they view him as Barack Obama’s weakest opponent. As a balding middle-aged man in a windbreaker, who works in sales but did not reveal his name, put it after leaving the polls: “I’m a strong Democrat. But I voted for Santorum because there’s no way that he can beat Obama. Romney, on the other hand, might have a chance.” He was the second Democrat for (nudge, nudge) Santorum among the 20 Livonia voters I interviewed as part of my very informal and unscientific statewide exit poll.

  3. […] none of that actually happened. However, four years later, I find a common thread in the latest leftist devilment being dished at Mitt Romney. Tellingly, this is called “Operation […]

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Santorum is the ONE candidate still standing (and would have been the ONE even if all the dropouts were still standing) that could possibly make me stay home.