Entertaining Satanic thoughts

I’ve been thinking about who to endorse for president.

Considering that “America is Satan,” and considering that “a vote for Romney is a vote for Satan,” it might be a no-brainer.

I have no idea what would possess me to have such thoughts suddenly and without warning pop into my evil mind… Perhaps I watched too much of the “Mr. Ed” show when I was a kid….

Yeah, that’s gotta be it.








4 responses to “Entertaining Satanic thoughts”

  1. tadcf Avatar

    More than likely the answer lies in the religious ramblings of the candidates.

  2. chocolatier Avatar

    Willlll-burrrr – You will vote for me!

  3. […] seems to be taken for granted. I say this because last night I wrote a flippant post titled “Entertaining Satanic thoughts” and this morning I am more baffled than entertained. It’s like, whether there is a God […]

  4. […] I always enjoyed the playing of the Mr. Ed theme backwards (or would that be the playing of the Mr. Ed backwards […]