Ulsterman Update: 21 Dec 2011

The folks at Patriot Action Network have linked to some new Ulsterman posts. Are they true? Are they false? Who knows? Only time will tell. But they sure as hell are very entertaining.

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER ON OBAMA: I’d Kick His Ass Into The F-cking Dirt…

Ulsterman: That’s all rather mysterious – a bit dramatic don’t you think? Who are these people? And what’s their motivation?

Insider: Dramatic? Yeah…it’s “a bit dramatic”. How many times I tell you something – I see your head shaking even when it’s not. Don’t think I don’t see that. And then what? Sure as sh-t then what? It happens. There are powers at play here – always been these powers, but with this administration it’s just a matter of perspective. And it ain’t a Democrat or a Republican problem – these interests, these “investors”… are attached to either party. Don’t matter, really. The difference has always been if the president and his staff had the willpower to withstand the pressures that can be applied by these investors. Some do – some don’t. Barack Obama…his staff, the thing is…some of them were these interests I’m telling you about. At least extensions of them. And they are the most radicalized versions. And I’m not talking about some moron like Bill Ayers. Examples like that are cartoon distractions.

Ulsterman: A specific example would help. Of one of these “investors” as you just called them.

Insider: You interviewed one. Recently. -Name withheld-. They got a whole lot of everything they ain’t telling you. Beneath all that good manners and “call him the president” bullsh-t. Shaking hands with Reagan? Yeah…bit more to it than that. I ain’t saying the Occupy thing didn’t shake ‘em up – that seemed genuine. And the years might be catching up to them…but you wanna get an idea of what I’m telling you about right now – you go look them up again. They’ll read this – they read every word of this. You see if they’ll talk to you about it. These kinds of people – I’ve always been on the outside looking in. You talk to them – you’re on the inside looking out.

I wonder who “they” are? You can go through the Ulsterman Archives and tell me.

And now for the second report linked: WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military.

WH Insider: Joint Chiefs. The very top. And he wouldn’t speak for himself – that’s not how the CoC works in a situation like this. When he spoke – he spoke for the United States military. And he spoke out against the administration and what is happening to our Armed Forces around the world.

Ulsterman: What was said?

WH Insider: I don’t recall the word-for-word of it but the gist was this – that the relationship between the United States and Pakistan has never been worse than it is today. And that indicates it has never been more dangerous. Pakistan – you wrote something on this right? Pakistan is a nuclear power. Very unstable. The same radical Muslims who are overtaking Egypt,Libya, and elsewhere have their sites set on Pakistan. Push out the military junta replace it with a hardline Muslim fundamentalist government – only this time, those Muslims will have the bomb.

When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff goes on record indicating the situation in Pakistan– and by default then you gotta say Afghanistan as well…that it’s the most f-cked up it’s ever been – that’s about as strong a rebuke of a current presidential administration as you’re gonna get from a member of the military at that high of a level. And don’t forget – there have been other examples of the military speaking out against this White House. There is a very uneasy peace between President Obama and the military. And a hell of a lot of mistrust – on both sides. Dempsey was just recently appointed Chairman, but he was in there for a spell before that. He knows damn well what’s going on – and I am told Obama had far less to do with Dempsey being made Chairman than Leon Panetta. And it’s been Panetta who has been letting off the loudest warnings about slashing the military budget at this time, right? And it was Panetta who oversaw the Bin Laden killing – not Barack Obama, right? Dempsey has been warning about the possible military cuts for months now…anyone want to argue none of this is related they can have at it. I’m not gonna play that kind of dumb though. At least not anymore. I am convinced there are forces at play here far more powerful than our little song and dance political warfare we got going here. I just pray to God that if things break against us, these people are on our side.

Well that is enough of the flavor. You have the links. If you want you can read the whole thing. And several other things besides.






3 responses to “Ulsterman Update: 21 Dec 2011”

  1. RMOccidental Avatar

    Don’t trust the Ulsterman Report.

  2. Simon Avatar


    Interesting handle.

    BTW I like the Ulsterman Report for its entertainment value.

  3. RMOccidential Avatar

    It is entertaining, but I believe that is its only value.