Ideas are harmless. People are not.

People always say that ideas have consequences, but I disagree. Ideas themselves do not have consequences. It is the implementation of an idea that has consequences, which means that those responsible for implementing bad ideas are to blame, and not the ideas themselves.

So the hell with ideas. In and of themselves, they are harmless. It’s people who are the problem. More accurately, people who have power. In the absence of power to implement it, a bad idea is just an opinion. Like those found in any number of books I won’t name lest I give offense.

That might mean politics is important. What an awful thought.






5 responses to “Ideas are harmless. People are not.”

  1. E. C. Schreiber Avatar
    E. C. Schreiber

    Umm…. There’s a good way to implement communism?

  2. Will Avatar

    “In the absence of power to implement it, a bad idea is just an opinion.”

    Unless it can generate cash flow.

  3. […] it means everyone not on the left is to blame. This is based on the illogical notion that the ideas of others are to blame for the evil deeds of evil […]

  4. […] repeat what I said the other day, People always say that ideas have consequences, but I disagree. Ideas themselves do not have […]

  5. […] I have been reminding readers for the last several days, ideas are not guilty because a murderer hides behind them as justification. As I just […]