
A lot of libertarians, including Glenn, are taking note of this graph:


…but, notice that most of the movement is on the question of whether the government is currently doing too much. Now take a look at this graph of total U.S. spending:

Don’t get me wrong — I’m all for an increasingly libertarian populace, but to a large extent this recent change appears to have come at the price of an unprecedentedly overreaching government.






4 responses to “Reflection”

  1. JorgXMcKie Avatar

    And that would be a bad thing just how? I mean, the Republican Party got its foothold over a single, long-building issue. And after the two parties at the time were either a) worn out [Whigs] or b) divided.

    I certainly see some similarities.

  2. […] Price seems to be on the same track. Don’t get me wrong — I’m all for an increasingly libertarian populace, but to a large extent […]

  3. TallDave Avatar

    Always good to hear from BuSab.

    I think it’s a good thing with a bad cause.