Month: June 2011

  • Reflection

    A lot of libertarians, including Glenn, are taking note of this graph: Huzzah! …but, notice that most of the movement is on the question of whether the government is currently doing too much. Now take a look at this graph of total U.S. spending: Don’t get me wrong — I’m all for an increasingly libertarian populace,…

  • Disappointing

    The random liberal who thinks libertarians supported “too-big-to-fail” is utterly banal and predictable, but I expect better from Ann Coulter. Some fun video with Nick at the bottom.

  • I hate false advertising

    I get asked for money on a regular basis, because I live in Ann Arbor, where all sorts of “homeless” (a word I use reservedly, as many of them are in fact homed) people congregate, and various panhandlers make a living asking passersby for money. I am quite accustomed to being accosted and treated to…

  • When Wiener Hits the Road….

    Earlier today I saw a piece of pre-owned vintage nostalgia I thought might be helpful to a certain congressman who is out of a…. what was it? A job? Times are tough. And isn’t he already prequalified as a driver?

  • Court Ordered Suicide

    The title is a little extreme. But if you read the guy’s long suicide note you might come to a different conclusion. Here is an excerpt to give you the flavor: When then a man is arrested for domestic violence, one of two things can happen. If they are only dating and have separate apartments,…

  • Sex Banned From Swingers Club

    In theory it is a zoning issue. Sex banned from Pasco swingers club. The article is of some interest. But the comments are more interesting. A lot of imagining going on about police tactics that led to the dispute. This comment was typical. JJ I wonder how many “undercover” visits were required by these law…

  • Why I’d rather write throwaway posts about toads

    I haven’t said much about GOP politics, but so far, what I have seen absolutely makes me want to vomit. First, I don’t like Mitt Romney because he is a classic RINO who favors socialized medicine. Michele Bachmann is an anti-evolution so-con. And Rick Perry, while he may be good on economic issues, is no…

  • Toadpole

    Found earlier in a random scoop of pond water:   It measured around in inch in length, which makes it a toad tadpole. Most likely it is an American Toad, Bufo americanus. (If you look closely, you can see the warts.) Cute, eh? URGENT UPDATE: I just fixed the picture, which I now realize is…

  • Trivial Stuff

    The Daily Show via Jews For Sarah and Big Hollywood Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • For Your Amusement

    Originally from via Talk Polywell. This is probably a joke. But if it is real – the guy who wrote that has never taken a leak. It must be painful.

  • Why all trutherism must be true!

    Via Ed Driscoll, I loved this very insightful remark from  a review of Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground: Conspiracy theories provide what has always been demanded in a secular age, “a cosmic explanation for evil,” and this also has taken place in today’s postmodernist intellectual environment in which, as Kay…

  • The President Speaks Sense

    Finally: “The proposition that the government is always right is manifested either in corruption or benefits to ‘preferred’ companies,” he said. “My choice is different. The… economy ought to be dominated by private businesses and private investors. The government must protect the choice and property of those who willingly risk their money and reputation.” ……

  • Disturbed Turtle Week

    There are very important things happening in the world: a showdown on the supposedly non-war in Lybia, Republican primaries starting up, supposedly (according to USA Today) our running out of borrowed money in as little as seven weeks, Iran slouching towards nuclear armament and oh, yeah, Wiener is roast. None of which compares to the…

  • the tortoise and the croc

    I don’t know whether it rates as a modern Aesop’s fable, but I think there is a moral lesson in this video: Sexual confusion is not limited to humans. Or maybe… Choose your soul mate wisely and take your time, lest you end up with a sole mate! Either way, sex without love wears…

  • Assigned Meaning

    In an article on what traits a computer programmer needs to be successful the following comment was made on the outcome of the study. Dehnadi and Bornat’s thesis is that the single biggest predictor of likely aptitude for programming is a deep comfort with meaninglessness: What makes computers so interesting to me is that all…

  • Huge Oil Discovery In The Middle East

    Saudi Arabia? Nope that has already been picked over. The “new” oil find is in Israel. The old energy order in the Middle East is crumbling with Iran and Syria having left the Western fold and others, including Saudi Arabia, the largest of them all, in danger of doing so. Simultaneously, a new energy order…

  • Paralysis

    A statistician I am not. Which is why I am having a hell of a time evaluating the relative risk of these unregulated bicycle baby trailers I am seeing all over the place. They look like this: Only the one I saw yesterday was piloted by a helmetless dad towing an equally helmetless baby down…

  • “Weirdo”

    This morning, guest contributor Frank wrote a post about Andrew Sullivan. I just got this from Frank: You guys may be interested in this. I e-mail a link of the article to Sullivan with a note that he should read it and reflect. He e-mailed back 20 minute later with a one word response: weirdo…

  • Drug War Vs Self Medication

    Commenter John at The Soros Plan For The 2012 Election had this to say. Drug users aren’t in chronic pain, and drug use isn’t self-medication. That’s a cop-out. Which brought to mind a number of old articles I wrote on the subject. So I left a LOT of links in the comments. One of the…

  • How To Embarass Yourself On The Internet

    1. Declare yourself on the side of  “the Enlightenment ethic of using science and reason to forge a better society” 2. Demand people stop using science and reason to examine your claims