Did you know?

Coco and I were both reassured to learn that hot tubs are more dangerous than pit bulls. (Which probably explains why Coco does not like the hot tub.)

And if you find that surprising, consider that Americans are sixteen times more likely to be killed by a five gallon bucket than by a pit bull. Of course, the bucket victims are all toddlers, but things like age and judgment are as irrelevant to statisticians as is the concept of responsibility. Hence the irresponsible classes end up as the primary driving force behind the laws the rest of us find maddeningly mind-numbing.








3 responses to “Did you know?”

  1. WTP Avatar

    “sixteen times more likely to be killed by a five gallon bucket than by a pit bull”…yeah and I’m far more likely to die falling off of a ladder than be killed by terrorists, but that’s not the point is it?

  2. Eric Avatar

    My point — that “the irresponsible classes end up as the primary driving force behind the laws the rest of us find maddeningly mind-numbing” — would definitely include terrorists among the irresponsible classes. Because of them, we are now saddled with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the TSA, and ever more zero-tolerance idiocy.

  3. WTP Avatar

    Don’t get me wrong about the responsibility part. If I fall off a ladder, I’m still responsible. But I can take action to protect myself from inanimate objects. I have far fewer options in dealing with living entities with desires to do me harm. One set of probabilities I have influence over and thus potential to lessen in regard to myself. The other set, far less. I’ve been arguing this point with a lefty-douchebag philosopher who uses this sort of logic to say that our efforts to fight terrorism are irrational.