Wisconsin Teachers Mafia

Wisconsin Teachers Mafia: Give us the money or the kid gets it.
Parent: Gets what?
Wisconsin Teachers Mafia: Educated by us.
Parent: But you don’t educate the kids.
Wisconsin Teachers Mafia: OK. How much will you pay us to leave the kids alone?
Parent: You are going to need a doctor’s excuse for that.
Cross Posted at Power and Control






One response to “Wisconsin Teachers Mafia”

  1. Steve Skubinna Avatar
    Steve Skubinna

    The past few decades, every time I read or think about teachers’ unions I recall the classic National Lampoon cover: Buy this magazine or we shoot the dog!
    Give them everything they ask for or your kids get a crappy education. Unfortunately for them, people are figuring out that if you give them everything, the kids still get a crappy education.